Chapter 31

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The next week goes by incredibly fast and painfully slow at the same time. Jake insisted on coming over one evening and forced me to rehash my whole relationship with Asher. It was strange, after being best friends with him for so long and having never spoken about it. While I was extremely against the idea, after it was all said and done, I felt better having talked about it. He thinks I definitely need to call Asher and talk to him about the fact that he's kept in touch with Gogo all this time, but I don't really see the point. It's sweet that he cared about her that much to call from time to time but he and I have moved on, so no need to dig up the past. Jake has promised to not bring it up again, unless I do, so fingers crossed he sticks to his word.

It's finally Friday and I'm expecting Jake and Henry at any moment. Lots of Fridays we just hang out at each other's apartments, order take out and share a bottle or two of wine. I just got home after running errands after class, so I'm changing into my pjs. That's the best part about staying in, not having to get dressed up. There's a knock at the door and I shout, "Come in," and after I hear the door open I call out, "Wine's open on the counter, pour me a glass, will you? Also, I'm starving, tell me you got pizza this week?" When there's no response, I start down the hall and am stopped dead in my tracks when I see Asher standing inside my apartment.

"Hey," he says quietly. I have to put my hand on the wall to steady myself seeing him standing there.

"What are you doing here?" I barely whisper it so I'm not even sure if he can hear me.

"I had to see you. After you called last week, I couldn't stop thinking about you, so I just got on a plane and here I am." He crosses the room so he's standing right in front of me. I feel like I can't breathe right now and he's so close I can smell him and just the smell of him is doing something to me.

"Kins, it's so good to see you, you look beautiful. You were always so beautiful, but god, somehow you've gotten more beautiful since I've seen you last." He reaches out to touch me and I immediately take a step back. If he touches me, I don't know what will happen.

"Asher, what are you doing here?" At that moment, the door opens and Henry steps in carry a pizza and it takes him a second to realize I'm not alone, but when Asher turns around, Henry's eyes get as wide as saucers. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize, I'll, umm," he can't get any words out and I know exactly how he feels.

"I didn't know he was coming," I say to Henry as if this explains everything. "Where's Jake?"

"He decided he wanted to bring a second bottle of wine, he'll be right up." He puts the pizza box down and extends his hand to Asher. "Hi, I'm Henry, it's nice to meet you." I know Henry is freaking out right now. He's a huge fan of Asher's and of Southside so it's probably taking everything in his power to remain cool and I love him for it.

"Asher, so nice to meet you. You were at the bar last weekend with Kinsley, right?" Asher shakes his hand and gives him the famous Asher James smile. It's at that moment that Jake walks in, hands full of wine.

"Oh god," Jake exclaims, all of sudden flustered. "Kinsley, we didn't know you were expecting company. You should have called us." I'm sure Jake would have appreciated a heads up that Asher was here, well, so would I.

"I wasn't expecting anyone but the two of you, but Asher made a surprise visit. Asher," I say pointing to Jake, "this is Jake, Jake this is Asher."

"Very nice to meet you," Asher says shaking his hand. "Kins, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just dropped by but I was afraid you wouldn't answer if I called. I'm staying at the Marriott down by campus, so maybe we can meet up in the morning for breakfast or something?"

"Oh, yeah, um, sure, that's fine," I spit out, not knowing what else to say.

"Don't be silly, stay and have pizza with us, we have plenty," Henry chimes in. "Plus, Jake brought an extra bottle of wine, so there's more than enough of everything for everyone."

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