Chapter 28

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The warm Florida air feels good after the air conditioning of the bar as we walk outside. I start walking in the direction of my apartment but Oliver steers me in the opposite direction. "My car's parked down the street." He nods in the direction we're now walking. We stop in front of his Jeep and I'm assaulted with memories of driving around in it years ago, just the three of us. I don't want to get in this car, it's too much.

"Oliver, this is stupid. You don't need to take me home." I know my protest won't change his mind, but I'm saying it anyway. It seems that Oliver has entered bodyguard mode and there's no stopping him.

"Kinsley, I get it, this is a little awkward, but Asher's still a close friend of mine, and I told him I would get you home and that's what I'm going to do." He opens the door for me and gestures, "After you." Seeing as I really have no choice, I get in.

I live just a few minutes from The Library and before I can even direct Oliver where to go, he's already parked in front of my apartment building. "How do you know where I live Oliver?"

"Come on, I'll walk you up," he says, ignoring my question. I stumble again getting out of the Jeep and wave Oliver off again as I right myself and head to the door. It takes me three times to enter the right code to open the door and I'm not sure if it's because I drank too much or can't focus with Oliver right behind me and knowing Asher sent him. When we finally get inside, we take the elevator to the fourth floor and Oliver follows me down the hall.

"Here, let me," he says as he takes the keys from my hand, "I don't want to be out here all night." He chuckles as he opens the door and follows me inside. "Why don't I get you some water. Do you have any Tylenol or something?" I flip on a light and head straight to the bathroom, Tylenol sounds like a good idea.

I go to the bathroom, take some Tylenol to try and ward off the hangover I know I'll have and brush my teeth. I head into my bedroom to change my clothes and when I come out, I hear Oliver talking on the phone.

"Yeah, I got her home. I'm at her place, she wasn't happy to see me, but I told you she wouldn't be." I can only assume he's talking to Asher. He's in my kitchen now opening and closing cabinets until he finds a glass and fills it with water. I obviously can't hear what Asher is saying, but Oliver is saying things like, "yeah, I know" and "no kidding." I'm trying to be quiet from where I'm standing in the hallway, but because I drank too much, I apparently have no concept of quiet and I bump into the wall, stub my toe, curse under my breath and then hiccup. Oliver turns to see me lurking and just laughs. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she's ok." He hands me the glass of water and I take a long drink. He motions for me to drink more so I finish the glass and put it in the sink. "Yeah man, no problem. I'll give you a call tomorrow."

Oliver hangs up the phone, turns to me and says, "How do you feel?" He pulls the glass out of the sink and fills it up again and hands it to me. "You should probably drink more water. I have no idea how much you drank, but the more water, the better you'll hopefully feel in the morning." I take the glass, like a petulant child, and drink some. I really don't want to be hungover, so while I'm not happy that Oliver is here, I'll still drink this stupid water.

"Thanks for driving me home, it really wasn't necessary, but thanks." I finish the water, put the glass back in the sink and turn towards Oliver. "I think it's best I go to bed now."

"He cares about you Kinsley. I know it's been a long time, but he still cares about you." Oliver glances up at me, almost as if he's afraid of my reaction. When he says this, it feels like all the air has been sucked from my lungs. It takes me a minute to be able to say anything for fear of unleashing tears that are not welcome now.

"Like I said, I think it's best I go to bed now." It's all I can get out. I turn and head into my bedroom, close the door and lean against it, trying to slow my racing heart. When it seems like my heart is just barely under control, I climb in my bed, close my eyes and pass out.

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