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The series finale of Southside just aired last night and Asher and I spent the entire night celebrating with the cast and crew. Today we fly back to Jacksonville to start our lives together and I am beyond excited.

Asher sold his house about a month ago and all his stuff is sitting in a POD in the driveway of our home in Riverside. He's in for a rude awakening when most of his stuff gets donated, his bachelor style doesn't really vibe with mine. I did create him a little mancave/office where I've already hung his movie posters and some Southside memorabilia. He's been so busy wrapping the show that he hasn't seen the house in almost two months, so I can't wait for the big unveiling.

I haven't officially moved in yet, I still have my apartment in Five Points. I decided I didn't want to live there without Asher and I just completely finished all the final details a few weeks ago. About halfway through the project, I finally came clean with Andie and told her my whole history with Asher. Although she was shocked at first, she ultimately thought it was wildly romantic.

"I'm so exhausted. I can't wait to sleep in my own bed tonight," Asher says as we board the airplane that will take us home. "Wait, my bed's in storage isn't it? I have no idea where anything is anymore."

"Relax, your bed is in our bedroom, well, your mattress, different bed. Nevermind, not important right now." I grab his hand once we're in our seats. "I can't wait for you to see everything and I can't believe we're actually going to be living together." He leans over and kisses me. I will never get tired of kissing Asher.

"It's been a long time coming babe, long time. When do you have to be out of your apartment?"

"I have until the end of next week, but I've moved most of my stuff already. A lot of the furniture I want to donate because I got new stuff in the house."

"Yes, I'm well aware that everything in the house is new. I paid the bills for it all, remember?" He teases me and leans in for another kiss. "I'm kidding, you could have spent millions more and I wouldn't have cared."

"I'll keep that in mind hotshot!"

After navigating baggage claim and the long-term parking lot, we are finally pulling into our driveway.

"Welcome home Asher!" We admire the beautiful old house, ready for our new life together. When I unlock the front door, Asher picks me up and carries me inside with great fanfare. He sets me down inside the foyer and I watch him take it all in as a wide smile breaks out on his face.

"Kins! This is amazing!"

"Come on, let me show you everything, wait until you see the kitchen.." I drag Asher from room to room pointing out different design features and telling him about the hand painted tile in the bathroom. He oohs and ahhs at all the appropriate times and compliments me on everything.

"What about the backyard," he asks. "You said it turned out amazing."

"Oh, we can look at in the morning. I'm exhausted, besides it's pretty dark out, you won't be able to see much."

"No, I want to see it, come on, it'll only take a minute," he says pulling me towards the French doors I had added in the living room. He opens the door and goes outside.

"Hold on, let me find the light for the deck, I'm not sure which switch it is. Ok, got it!" I call out as I head outside. "What do you..." I can't get any more words out. Asher is surrounded by wildflowers and there are candles lit all around the pool and on the deck. He motions me towards him and holds out his hand to me.

"Kinsley, I have loved you since the day I met you. You have changed my life in so many wonderful ways and even when I messed it up, it always led me back to you. I will spend the rest of my life loving you." Asher gets down on one knee and pulls a ring box out of his pocket. "Kins, will you do me the honor of marrying me? I promise I will love you until the stars fade and the oceans are dry." He opens the box to reveal the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen. Tears are streaming down my cheeks. I have no idea how he pulled this off and I don't care, I've never been so happy. I can't get the words out, I just smile at Asher and nod.

"Yes?" he asks.

"Yes! A million times yes!" He slips the ring on my finger and kisses me. "I love you so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Until forever."

"Until forever Kins, until forever."

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