Chapter 33

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After our delicious breakfast, we head out so I can give Asher the Kinsley Davis tour of UNF's campus. Asher pulls on a baseball hat and dark sunglasses as we leave the elevator and head through the lobby.

"Do you think people will recognize you," I ask as we wait at a crosswalk.

"I generally hope people don't recognize me when I go places, but it seems to happen pretty much everywhere I go. It can be really cool meeting fans of the show and of me, but it still also can be overwhelming. Most people are really respectful of my space and seem to realize I'm an actual person. Other people, though, not so much." We cross the street and he gestures for me to lead the way.

"What's your weirdest fan encounter," I ask as we walk through the green on campus.

"Oh geez, that's a tough question, there's been so many. I don't know, I've had women profess their love to me and ask to have my babies. I've had women ask me to autograph body parts I would definitely never autograph. One time, I guy told me I was on his wife's list of celebrity crushes and would I go home with him to meet her. There's definitely some weird ones out there. Sometimes I'm happy to have security with me because people have grabbed at my clothes and pulled my hair." He talks about all this so casually. I can't even imagine the things he's describing. "Anyway, that stuff isn't important, tell me about school, your classes, your favorite places to study, hang out, lay it all on me."

"Well, my life definitely isn't as exciting as yours," I tell him. "I'm majoring in graphic design but am applying to intern at an interior design firm this year. That's still what I would love to do, interior design. I met Jake in class, he's also graphic design, and we've been inseparable since freshman year. I still hang out with Hazel from time to time, but she's pre-med so spends most of her free time studying. She's moving after this year for med school. She and Finn are still together, so he's moving with her."

"Damn, they're still together after all this time? That's awesome, sounds like they're doing really well."

"Yeah, they've been together almost seven years now. I assume they will be getting engaged before too long. She's been leaving ring hints for Finn for about a year, poor guy! Knowing him, he probably already has her ring and is just torturing her a little while longer."

As we walk through campus, I point out random places to Asher, buildings where I have class, the dorm I lived in freshman year, my favorite taco truck, just everyday things. We eventually end up back in front of his hotel and I'm not sure what's going to happen next.

"Do you want to come up," he asks hopefully.

"I should probably get back home. I need to do some homework and some laundry. How long are you in town?" Spending two hours with Asher has me wanting more but I have to be careful. I don't know what Asher wants and I don't want to open myself up just to have my heart broken again.

"I have a late flight tomorrow night. I've got to be back in the studio Monday morning, they weren't too happy I took off Friday. We try and keep a tight production schedule. Will you have dinner with me tonight? I'd really love it if we could hang out and catch up more."

I figured he would suggest we see each other again but I didn't count on the warm feeling I got when he asked. "Yeah, ok, dinner sounds good," I tell him.

"Great, is Giada's still as good as I remember it being? I could get takeout and bring it to your place, if that's ok with you, I mean." Asher kicks at the sidewalk a little and actually looks a little shy, like he's afraid I'll turn him down.

"Giada's is still amazing, so that sounds good. How about seven o'clock?" It's just after eleven now, so that gives me the whole day to wrap my mind around the idea of being alone in my apartment with Asher.

"Seven is perfect," he smiles and pulls me into a hug. I'm caught a little off guard but manage to hug him back but try not to recognize how good it feels to be in his arms.

I pull away and take a step back. "I'll see you tonight," I say as I turn and walk home.

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