Chapter 44

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6 months later

"The backsplash tile just arrived in the warehouse, so the guys will be able to install it this week. After that, there's just a few minor finishing touches and your house will be completely done. I can't wait to see it all come together," I say to Jake as I grab my bag and head out the door. He and Henry bought a sweet little fixer upper and their remodel is days away from being complete. I can't wait to take pictures of everything to add to my ever-growing portfolio. I lock the door behind me and head to work.

I moved into a one-bedroom apartment in Five Points just a few blocks from work. The apartment is above a chic little boutique where I need to stop spending my paychecks, but I love being so close and able to walk home for lunch if I want. My client list is growing by the day, mostly from referrals, so my schedule keeps me pretty busy. I wave at Vanessa, our receptionist as I walk in and head to my desk. I pull my notebook from my bag to review my notes before I have to call my next client.

I run my fingers over the leather notebook and my initials in the corner. It's the notebook Asher gave me as a high school graduation gift. I was supposed to fill it with memories of my European vacation, but I was so sad during the trip, I never even opened it. I found it when I was moving and decided it was too beautiful not to use it. Jake says I'm torturing myself by writing in it every day, but I can't let my failed relationship with Asher hold me back forever. I open the notebook, and as I do every other day, I see Asher's words written on the inside.

Kinsley Rose Davis, you are the love of my life. I'm so proud of you and everything you have accomplished and have yet to accomplish. You are destined for great things and I can't wait to stand beside you while you chase your dreams. Never stop dreaming Kins, you deserve the world. I will love you until the stars fade and the oceans are dry. No matter where I am, I will always come home to you.

Yours forever, Asher

I still get a little sad when I read Asher's words, but I use them to keep going and keep following my dreams. I can't imagine he would want anything less for me, I know I wouldn't want anything less for him.

I throw myself into my work, making calls and following up on projects. At the end of my day, after wrapping up a meeting with a potential new client, I walk her to the door as we chat about the next steps in the process. When I open the door for her, I stop dead in my tracks, blinking my eyes to make sure I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing. She says goodbye and I must speak because she walks away while I'm frozen in place. I shake my head in disbelief and go back inside. I pack up my stuff, say goodbye to anyone left in the office and head back outside. Still standing there on the sidewalk is Asher.

"Hey," he says coming towards me. I immediately take a step backwards.

"What are you doing here Asher?" I don't even try to temper the bite in my tone.

"I had to see you. I had to know if you were ok. I'm not ok Kinsley."

"I'm fine Asher, you can go now." I start walking towards my apartment and Asher falls in step next to me. "You can't just show up at of the blue, not anymore you can't."

"That's fair," he says sadly, "I know I messed up what we had. I made a terrible mistake giving up on us. I've spent the past six months kicking myself for it. I'm miserable without you Kins."

We've walked the two blocks to my apartment and are outside my door. I find my keys inside my bag and turn to Asher. "You're right. You did make a terrible mistake. You shouldn't have come Asher, I have to go." I unlock the door, walk inside and close it behind me without looking back. My heart is pounding out of my chest. I can't let Asher back in my life, I won't recover from another heartbreak at his hands.

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