Chapter 39

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Today's Halloween and Asher text earlier in the week to let me know when he was flying in and that he would be to my place around lunchtime. A little after noon, he and Oliver showed up and we ordered lunch in and just spent the afternoon hanging out. It was nice catching up with Oliver, seeing as the last time I saw him I was hungover and in shock from his revelation that Asher and Gogo had kept in touch. It's nice to see that he and Asher remained friends even after Oliver moved back to Florida. They turn on college football while I catch up on some schoolwork and I find myself glancing over at them sitting on the couch and how happy it makes me having them back in my life.

After Oliver leaves, Asher falls asleep on the couch and it takes every ounce of effort I have not to curl up next to him. I'm sure he would welcome me in his arms but I'm just not ready yet.

We head to Hazel's grandparents' house a little before five so we can hang out a little before the kids start parading through. Per tradition, we order pizza and eat on the front porch with the giant bowl of candy between us. Asher and Finn ate inside so no one would see him and the two of them picked up like they just saw each other last week. Hazel kept elbowing me in the ribs and pointing at them and smiling and I just couldn't help but smile along with her.

After dinner, Asher came outside in a giant inflatable dinosaur costume. Hazel and I looked at each and then started laughing uncontrollably.

"On my god, what are you wearing," Hazel barely got out, holding her stomach from laughing so hard.

"I didn't want anyone to recognize me. Do you like it?" He walked up and down the sidewalk which only made the whole thing funnier.

"Yes," Hazel shouted, "I love it!! This is amazing!"

"What about you, Kins? Do you like my costume?" Asher turned from side to side as if he was modeling.

I was laughing so hard, I had started crying and I wiped the tears from my cheeks. "Yes, it's perfect. I'm sure the kids will love it." And they did. All the kids that came thought that Asher's costume was super cool and some of the older kids he chased down the driveway, causing them to also laugh themselves silly.

After about an hour, Asher announced he was sweating to death inside his costume and went in to change. The sun had set and it was darker outside and he came back out in a hoodie and a baseball hat and sat with us as the number of kids dwindled and then we headed inside.

The four of us were sitting on the back porch having a drink after all the festivities, so I snuck inside to get the cake I ordered from Giada's to celebrate Asher's birthday. I stuck a few candles in it, lit them and started singing "Happy Birthday" as I headed back out. Hazel and Finn join in and the look on Asher's face was priceless. You could tell he was totally shocked and I took great joy in being able to surprise him.

"Happy birthday Asher!" We all shouted as he blew out the candles. He stood up and pulled me into the biggest, warmest hug. "This is amazing, thank you guys, this has been the best birthday I can remember in a really long time," he said kissing the top of my head. Being in his arms made me feel a little lightheaded.

"The cake is from Giada's, its tradition, right?" I said to him, as Hazel brought out plates and forks. After indulging in too much cake, Asher and I say our goodbyes.

As I drove Asher to his hotel for the night he went on and on about how much fun he had and how he loved all the different costumes. It was almost like he was the one who had gotten a pumpkin full of candy. But I was right there with him, it had been the most fun I'd had handing out candy and I'm sure it was because Asher was there with me.

As I pulled up to the hotel and parked, Asher turned to me. "Seriously Kinsley. This is the best birthday I've had in years, and it's all because of you. Thank you for allowing me to crash your tradition. And the cake, it was delicious and so thoughtful of you." He leaned over and we shared an awkward hug over the console and he kissed my cheek. "Did you want to come up to my suite?"

My cheek felt tingly from where his lips had touched it. "Oh, um, it's getting late, I should probably get home," I said quietly.

"Of course," he said, "how about breakfast tomorrow then? You can come by and we can order room service. Say nine thirty, is that too early?"

"You know I can't turn down breakfast," I smiled at him, "Nine thirty is great, I'll text you when I get here. Goodnight Asher." He climbed out of the car and before he closed the door, he leaned back in and smiled at me. "Goodnight Kins, thanks again for everything."

Asher and I spent a leisurely Sunday together before he had to fly back to Los Angeles. We had room service at the hotel and then when he had to check out, we went back to my apartment for the afternoon. He put on the Colts game, still a fan of his hometown team, and he tried, unsuccessfully, to explain the game of football to me. But above all, we just had a good time together, any awkwardness between us since we'd been talking again had seemed to dissipate and we were just Kinsley and Asher again, two people that cared very much for each other.

Asher had Oliver pick him up and take him to the airport, telling me I had done enough for him already and he didn't want to inconvenience me anymore. When Oliver text that he was waiting outside, I felt a lump in my throat watching Asher put his shoes on to leave. I could feel tears forming and I bit my lip to keep them at bay, chiding myself for getting so emotional. Asher wasn't my boyfriend anymore, we hadn't even kissed, but the feelings I had for him ran deep and it was getting harder and harder keeping them locked up inside me.

When he had all his stuff together and his shoes on, Asher turned to me and opened his arms to me. I allowed myself to be cocooned in his embrace while he told me for the hundredth time how much fun he had on his birthday and that he was going to miss me. He pulled back a little, looked down at me, kissed me temple and said, "I'm so glad to have you back in my life. You have no idea." I could hardly look at him, feeling a rush of emotions, but I gave him a smile and a little nod of acknowledgement. I couldn't get any words out. He picked up his bag, squeezed me one more time and said goodbye. I stood in the doorway and put my hand up in a wave as the elevator closed.

The more time we spent together, the closer we were getting and the harder it was becoming to say goodbye. I was falling in love with Asher all over again and I had no idea how to handle it.

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