Chapter 38

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Ever since I called Asher from The Library, we've been talking on the phone in addition to our texting. Apparently, Asher wakes up at a ridiculous hour to work out, so sometimes he calls me in the morning on my way to class or other times when he's on his way home from the studio if it's not too late. I've found myself reaching for my phone to call him a time or two, but I keep chickening out and leave the ball in his court. He, of course, has picked up the ball and isn't just running with it, he's sprinting.

He had champagne delivered after the news of my internship and it turns out Jake was right, I'd never had good champagne. The three of us shared the bottle Asher sent and it was amazing. Henry looked it up after we had emptied the bottle and found out it cost over two hundred dollars. I was relieved we had already drunk it, I don't know if I would have opened it knowing how much it cost. It's strange knowing Asher has money, as he never seems showy or flashy in any way. For the most part, he still just seems like the same boy I fell in love with when I was sixteen, although a lot has changed in the last five years.

I finally decided that I wanted to watch Southside. I had loved the show when it premiered, mostly, of course, because of Asher, but it had been too much after we broke up to see him on screen each week. The last few weeks, I started watching the early seasons, starting from the beginning, and it's brought up a lot of memories. The framed script I gave him for his birthday, the cast and watch parties, it's like paying homage to our relationship and my teenage years.

I'm midway through season three and Asher's character, Logan, has finally gotten the attention of the girl he's been crushing on, played by Lily, who was once a good friend to me. I know Lily and Asher are still close friends and spend a lot of time together. They often go to events together, both are single, so there is a lot of tabloid speculation about their relationship. Asher had called me after pictures of them were posted online on a gossip site and explained that nothing was going on between them and they are just friends that don't always want to go to events alone. I'm sure he remembers the nightmare pictures of him online caused us years before and doesn't want a repeat now that we're talking again.

The episode I'm watching has just ended and Logan has finally kissed the girl. I grab my phone and text Asher.

Sure took Logan long enough to convince Becca to kiss him.

Less than a minute later, he responds.

You're watching the show?

Yeah, I thought it was time I found out what all the hype was about. 😊

What do you think?

It's better than I remembered it.

So glad you like it, that really means a lot to me.

Well, I still have a lot to watch, but I'm headed to bed now. 'Night.

Goodnight, sweet dreams. I'll call you in the morning.

I head to bed with a smile on my face and dream of kissing Asher. I wake up in the morning wishing it hadn't just been a dream.

As if on cue, Asher calls just as I'm leaving my apartment to walk to class. Halloween is this weekend, which also means its Asher's birthday. I'm surprised when he tells me he has no big plans and normally just stays at home or maybe has a few friends over. I tell him about my annual tradition of spending the evening with Hazel, and sometimes Finn, and how we hand out candy at her grandparents' house. Hazel's grandma is one of Gogo's closest friends, so sometimes Gogo comes with me and she and Grace sit on the porch while Hazel and I hand out the candy.

"I love seeing all the little kids in their costumes and how excited they get when we give them their candy," I tell him as I'm crossing campus. I love the mornings on campus, because it has a stillness about it before the hustle and bustle of the day. "It reminds me of when I was little and got to Trick-or-Treat in the same neighborhood. Gogo and PopPop always took me to all their friends' houses and I always had so much candy I could hardly carry my plastic pumpkin by the end of the night."

"I'm sure you and Hazel don't have any fun at all together, right?" he teases. "It sounds like a great time. Do you think maybe, um, I could, I don't know, nevermind." Asher is stumbling over his words although I have no idea why.

"Nevermind what Asher? What are you mumbling about," I ask.

"I don't know, it sounds like a lot of fun. I don't have any plans this weekend, what if I fly out and spend Halloween with you and Hazel? Would that be imposing too much?"

"You want to fly here and hand out candy with me and Hazel on your birthday? Why?" There are a million other things I could think of that someone would want to do on their birthday.

Asher laughs a little, "Why? Because it sounds fun. You know that having my birthday on Halloween got old a long time ago. I've never handed out candy to kids before, it sounds like fun, and plus I'd get to spend the evening with you. Win win, don't you think?"

"Oh, well, if you want to join us, you're more than welcome. You might wreak havoc on the neighborhood once people figure out you're there though." The idea of teenage girls seeing Asher James on Halloween and telling the whole world doesn't sound like a good time to me.

"Kinsley, please, it's Halloween, I'll just wear a mask, no will know who I am. I wouldn't want to bring chaos to your annual tradition. I'll check the flight schedules, but I might not be able to get in until Saturday and then I'll have to fly back on Sunday, so it will be quick, but I'm super pumped. This is going to be great." I can hear the excitement in Asher's voice.

"Ok, well, just keep me posted. I'm outside my class now, so I have to go. Have a good day Asher."

"You too!" After we hang up, I text Hazel to let her know and she texts back all sorts of funny Gifs expressing her excitement in getting to see Asher again. Our quiet Halloween is looking up.

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