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"How long do you think that we can hide this?" I asked Niall as we were sitting together on the sofa. Louis and Harry were on the other, just cuddling. They have been together for a month, and just last week, Niall and I went out on our third date and became boyfriends yesterday. We decided to keep it a secret (don't know why, so don't ask me).

"I just don't want to take their moment Liam. Harry has never been so happy for years, and this is something that he can see lasting a long time. I don't want to ruin the moment by saying, "Oh Liam and I are a thing now," he told me and I heard a gasp.

"I knew it! You owe me carrot cake!" Harry exclaimed, poking at Louis. "What?" I asked and Harry squealed. "You two are together!" He shouted. "How did yo- oh...forgot that you have that ability," Niall said and Harry chuckled.

"Yup. Reading lips is sure going to come in handy. Besides you two were thinking of each other so much. Louis just thought that you two were just really good friends, but I begged to differ. Now he owes me cake!" Harry cheered and stuck his tongue out at Louis. "And you wouldn't have ruined my moment Ni. Lou and I have been together for a month. Our moment was that week that we were officially together," Harry pointed out.

"If anything, we would be even more happy," Louis added and Harry nodded, agreeing with him. "Ooh! This means that we can go on double dates! This is so bloody amazing! You also owe me-" "That's for only us to talk about. Don't need my friend hearing about my sex life," Louis said, covering his mouth. "Kind of got the idea of where your boyfriend was going," Niall said with a grin.

"Why does that make you grin?" Louis asked and Hatry sighed, "He's weird like that," Harry spoke and Louis just looked between the two friends and shrugged his shoulders. "What are the two of you going to do for your 1 month anniversary anyways?" I asked and they shrugged. "I have a reservation for tonight, so there's that and a few fun things," Louis told me.

"Fun things? Like what?" Niall asked with a raised eyebrow. "The carnival is in town, so he bought tickets for us like last week," Harry said with a big smile as he leaned more into Louis's arms. "So that means Li and I have the house to ourselves for the night," Niall then said and looked at me. "They are coming back babe. They'll just be out for a few hours," I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"You never want to think of the fun things in life..." he exaggerated and I sighed. "We could do whatever you please, but let's not ignore the fact that they live here too, and they are going to hear us eventually." "Yeah, Yeah, whatever. I-" Niall says cut off with all of our phones ringing at the same exact time. "Is that creepy to you guys?" Harry asked as he reached forward for his phone.

"No I think it's completely normal..." Niall sassed and picked up his phone. "Then again, what's normal anymore..." he adds. I nodded and took my phone out. I pressed the answer icon and placed my phone to my ear. "Hello?" There was crashes and I looked at everyone else to see them just as confused as I am. "Hell-" "Liam! You need to get down h- shit!" Josh yelled and I moved my phone away.

"Eleanor! I'm fine! Just shoot them!" I then heard him shout and I moved my phone back to my ear. "Is this some kind of video game that the two of you are pl-" "I was just shot Liam! Now shut the fuck up and let me fini- crap! Babe, are you okay?! Here! Talk to them and I'll cover you!" He shouts and I was worried now. "El? Are you okay?" Niall asked. "I'm fine...a bullet just grazed my arm, but I'm alright," She said.

"A what now?" Louis asked. "Look, we aren't supposed to be on the phone for this long. Brooke's father is here and he brought his entire team. We need you four here. Do you remember where the Headquarters is?" She asked and we stayed quiet.

"Boys! We don't have all fucking day to chit chat on this damn phone! We are under attack here! I can only be on here for so long until I get hit! Now, do you remember where the Headquarters is?!?" She shouted this time.

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