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I was sitting in front of the boys and I was still not talking to Josh. Can you really blame me on that part though? The guy went behind my back and showed up to the one place that we told him not to. He died because of it. Just because I was happy to see him well and alive again, it doesn't mean that I forgive him of what he did. That actually hurt....your lover breaking a promise that he made to you.

"The tension is way too high in here. Let's listen to some music to celebrate the fact that we have the boys back," Ed said as he was about to reach for the knob to his radio. "You disobeyed me Josh," Brooke said. "Or we can talk about this..." Ed said, moving his hand back to his lap.

"I know miss, and I really do feel bad. Trust me, I do," Josh said and I looked at him. "Well...Harry did expect for you to be there, so you were a part of his hand ultimately, so you are in the clear this time. If you disobey me again, then there will be consequences. Do you understand?" She asked and I was shocked.

"Yes ma'am! Thank you miss." "Oh just call me Brooke. We've worked for a pretty long time now. I think being on a first name basis is appropriate," she said and Josh chuckled. "Alright. Thanks Brooke," he said and I looked at the back of her head.

"I thought that you were going to shout at him Brooke?" I asked and she shook her head. "He was a part of Harry's plan to get him to his real self. Who was I really to say that what Harry thought was wrong? We all have been stupid at least one while on a mission," she said.

"But not as idiotic as Josh's," I retorted and she sighed. "Eleanor, Josh was killed yes, but Harry made his dark self bring the boy back to life. I would like to be more happy about that than be pissed about him breaking an order," she told me. "He broke a promise with me," I said.

"Ah...I remember making those type of promises whenbi was only Zayn's girlfriend. He told me to stay home and not go to his mission, but I still did. I was shot in the shoulder, but it was worth it because it was Zayn who was about to die. He was mad at me, but he still thanked me because I still saved his ass. A week after that, he proposed," I said. "He wasn't that mad because he was happy." She told me.

"You see Eleanor, when you are in this type of business and in a relationship, it shows a lot about a lover. If your lover was willing to walk into a very dangerous situation, and risk it all because they truly feared that you were going to get hurt, then that tells you how much they truly love you," she then added.

"Besides, he's still breathing at the end of the day. I know that if Zayn was in his place, then I would be crying happily into his arms. Even if this is a part of our job description," she pointed out and looked back at Josh and I. "You two went a long time together. Don't let this mission break you. Okay? Now Ed, can you put some music on full blast? I think we deserve some victory music," she said.

"Yes ma'am!" Ed happily said and went to turn his radio on, and it was on a happy song already. I looked over at Josh and he was already looking at me. "You still mad at me baby?" He asked with a teasing smile. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "But if you break another promise, then you will be sleeping on the couch," I said and he shrugged. "Fair," he said and I smiled b and fore looking at my friends.

"How do you think they are right now Brooke?" I aksed and she sighed. "We really don't know El. All I do know is that we will get those four boys that we know right back to us. We are going to have to keep them in some room though. Just for safety," she answered.

I understood and thought back to where I met Louis and Liam. It was back at Uni, and I was just a new girl, looking for people to talk to. The two of them were arguing about something. I actually remember what it was honestly. Pineapple on pizza. Louks said no and Liam said yes.

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