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"Ms. Calder, do you have any upupdates on the boys yet?" Brooke asked me as she walked into my office that I share with my boyfriend. "No...is Josh okay?" I asked her as I looked over to see my boyfriend's desk...empty. He was severely injured in the fight and Harry couldn't get to him, so...he had to be treated normally.

"Lilliana is trying her hardest, bus she did say is that he's going to be okay. He just has a cast on his left foot for now," she told me and sat next to me. I sighed and looked down at my lap. "Are you okay Ms. Calder?" She asked and I shook my head. "Mind telling me what's wrong?" She asked and I looked at her.

"Lou and I promised them. Harry saw it happen in a vision and we promised him that he was going to be safe. We promised all four of them that nothing bad was going to happen to them," I confessed.

"You had no control over that Ms. Calder. My father is a stubborn man and he always gets his way with things. I hate to think this way, but it's the truth. The only thing that matters is that we get those boys back now," she told me and I sighed once again.

"I just want to go out there and look for them. I want to go out there, look for them, and hug them. I want to tell them how sorry I am for letting this happen to them," I then said and looked at my desktop to see a picture of the 7 of us together. (Louis, Harry, Niall, Liam, Lou, Josh, and myself.) We were all smiling and had 1 type of Starbucks drink in our hands it was something that we did once every month.

"And you are going to get that opportunity to apologize, but you need to stay focused on tracking them," she said, getting up. "I can't really go up to them and hug them. You do know that, right? It has been about a month since we have last saw them. Your dad probably turned them into something evil by now," I said and she sighed. "That is true. How about this: when we are sure that the boys are themselves, then you will get that opportunity to apologize to them." She corrected.

I sighed and nodded, knowing that this is the reality of things now. My best friends are missing and the chances of them actually being themselves is slim to none. The chances of them going completely dark is pretty high. That's why when we do find them, we will have our weapons. We will be ready for anything.

Brooke walked out of the room. I stared at my desktop for about a minute before paying attention to the task at hand. I needed to find those boys. Evil or not, they are my best friends, and I will get them back. Bo matter what it takes. Even if it takes my life god dammit. I went back to the server that showed me a million cameras and I went through them all.

"And...I'm finally here!" I jumped at the shout and spun in my chair to see my boyfriend on crunches. "Oh my god, your okay!" I cheered and hopped right up and went up to him. "Is it okay if I hug you?" I asked and he smiled and gave me a nod of approval. "Only if you kiss me right after," he said and I rolled my eyes. "I was going to do that anyways, you doofus," I said and gave him a big warm hug.

The most that he could do was lean on one foot and wrap a single arm around me, but is still took it and appreciated it. "Did Lilly give you the okay to be doing this?" "Yeah, after about of week of bedrest, she thought I was ready to take on these bad boys. She thought correctly," he grinned and I shook my head. He's so stupid sometimes I swear. I cupped his cheeks with my hands and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

Okay, a part of me feels a little better, but when I find thise four...I'll be overwhelmed with emotions. I will just be freaking dancing for when I get them back and back to their normal selves. I thought as I helped Josh to his chair and the two of us worked together to look for them.

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