>>>Chapter 5<<<

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After waking up, Sadlyeen left her bedroom for the kitchen. She walked in rubbing her sore neck hair falling wildly over her face. She stretched and yawned like a cat to get rid of the stiffness in her body from tossing and turning the whole night. Sade only managed to get a bit of peaceful sleep in the early morning hours.

“Morning, lazy.”
“Why, hello Kyle. I don’t even have the energy to stick my tongue out at you yet.” She moved to one of the stools and perched on it.
“What would you like for breakfast?”
“I’ll have what you’re having.”
“You mean what I had. It’s 10:00.”
“Wow, really. Oh well. . .” she shrugged.
“Sleep well?” Kyle examined her eyes for signs of fatigue and eye bugs.
“More or less.”
Kyle pored over her as that answer was not exactly satisfactory.
“Will you stop looking at me like that, am fine.”
“Yeah well, fine for you translates to-I don’t feel that well but I’ll be damned if I show it, my pride just won’t allow it.”

“Stow it, I feel radiant. At least, I will after a hot shower. Moreover it’ll calm my hurt feelings after someone dared to voice their unfair opinions about my capabilities when it comes to working hard.”
Kyle watched Sade walk away from the kitchen towards her room and when she was no longer in the line of his view he shouted, “You are so dramatic, lazy ass!”
The reply came after a pause making Kyle chuckle.
“It takes one to know one Kyle Matthews, ponder that.”

Sade picked off the last morsels of her breakfast from her plate forty five minutes later.
“Kyle, can you drive me to work?” She called to Kyle who was somewhere in the house.
“Sadlyeen, last I checked you had a driver’s license.”
“That is lazy talking right there. You are going to spend the whole day with your butt packed on the couch.”
“Hey, I’ll catch up on some work.”
“The most you’ll do is move from the couch to the kitchen.”
“Gee, all this fuss about driving you to work. Okay, I will lest the skies come tumbling down.” Kyle grumbled as he appeared.
Sadlyeen arched a brow.
Sadlyeen laughed and stood picking her bag.
“Let’s go. My first meeting is at 11 and if I’m late Chris will have my head on a pedestal. She can be so controlling. . .”
“Look who’s talking. . .” Kyle countered and continued before Sade could argue. “You being the crazy driver could get there in five minutes.”
“Why is everyone always saying that?”
“Aah, let me see, because it’s true. You are a maniac behind the steering wheel.”
“So that’s the reason Dale never lets me drive.”
“Beats me but it’s a very compelling reason.”
“I don’t feel like driving, you’ll pick me up right.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure. Anything for her royal highness.” Kyle went as far as to take a bow for effect before he went on assuming an accent.
“Need any help with that bag, mi lady?”
“Come on, let’s go.” Sade punched Kyle on his arm.
“Ouch, you are one spoilt brat you know that.”
“The only one who gives me that pleasure is you my dear.” Sadlyeen answered as they headed out.

Later on, Sadlyeen steered her car off the road and parked outside the club. The night was still young at around 9 p.m. During the afternoon Dale had called saying they needed to talk. This always meant that he had found something that needed to be addressed and discussed. Dale had an investigative instinct that Sadlyeen did not possess. It made a very good lawyer and came in handy to her grand plan or was it their grand plan. He also had a lot of connections in all the right places which served them swell more often than not.

A little after turning twenty one, Sadlyeen had been in a predicament on whether to bring her brother in on their father’s ‘gift’ to her. She had been scared he would think her mad and reject her plea for help. She had known she couldn’t accomplish justice by herself and although Kyle knew and supported her, he couldn’t be directly involved as he was not connected to it unlike her siblings. With that in mind, she told him and he had done the opposite of what she had expected.

Dale had embraced her and hugged her so tight she had not been able to breath, and then he’d cursed and turned his back to her.
“ Sade I can’t believe you lived with this for so long. You should have told me the first time you got this box I’m your big brother for crying out loud. I’ve always had my suspicions about their death and this . . . this changes everything.

Sadlyeen stayed silent behind him hands limp at her sides. She took an involuntary step back when he turned to her abruptly because his eyes were blazing and his expression was that of an enraged man. He ran his hands through his jet black hair and crossed the short distance to her. He put his hand on her shoulders and lifted his gray eyes to meet hers.

“You’ll no longer do this alone. You and I will work together to make them pay and as you said, it’s the only way we’ll find redemption.” Those short words that were a promise combined with the fire and sincerity she saw in his eyes made her sigh in relief. They had then decided they did not need to involve their little sister. Doing everything slowly working things out gradually, it seemed their efforts were surely paying off. 

Sadlyeen walked briskly into the club; across the vast dancefloor, past the VIP section and crossed two doors to the backroom. She found Jared by the door.                                                                                                                             
“Hey big man.” She greeted the club head bouncer.
“What’s up Sadlyeen?” He smiled and opened the door to let her through.
Inside Dale sat on one of the brown leather sofas waiting. He rose when she came in and hugged her before they sat down to business.
“Here’s all the information we need. Combined with all that you had originally gathered we are ready to start.”
“You were right; it would’ve taken me more time than you did to gather this. After all this years we can finally begin . . .” she said softly filled with emotion.
“Finally, little sister.” He held her hand. “What we’ve been waiting for. This is going to be the tough part but between you and me it’s nothing we can’t handle. We start in a month, you okay with that?”
Frère, I’ve been waiting for years a month is not enough to shake my patience.”
“Cool, I need you to take this month to prepare mentally and emotionally not physically we’ve already trained enough.”

Sade nodded and squeezed her brother’s hand. She couldn’t help the tears that brimmed in her eyes. This was what she had wanted for a long time and still did. After it all came to a successful end she would make peace with her demons. This was how she could settle the raging waves that constantly rocked her life.

“Hey. . .”
Sadlyeen turned to look at her brother.
“I love you.” The tears in her eyes fell down her cheeks. Dale stood and walked around the table to sit beside her. He   hugged her and stroked her long hair.
“I love you too, Dale.” Sade said as she rested her head on his shoulder. She almost never cried, had learned to take even the hard shit without shedding a single tear but when it came to her parents she just couldn’t help it. She could say she lost it.

A/N There is a little French in this book. I'll be sure to translate within the story or explain in the author's note. For instance, frère means brother. Thank you for taking the time, please share your thoughts with me. I'll appreciate that.

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