>>>Chapter 3<<<

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Sadlyeen hesitated at the door to take a deep calming breathe before she walked into her office. Anxiety beckoned at her but she refused to acknowledge it despite the uneasy feeling in her stomach.

After all the contracts had been sighed, Michael Greene had called her office to set up a meeting but she had been out so Chrissie had taken a message. Arriving earlier, Chrissie had shown him to Sadlyeen’s office to wait for her. When she walked in, a battle still raged in her to turn back and decline the project but that wouldn't do.
As she closed the door, Michael who stood by the glass wall that overlooked the city turned to her.

“This is quite the view you have here Ms. Argent. It must really be something at night.” He walked towards her pausing just in front of her and extended his arm.
“Hello Sadlyeen, it’s been a while.” He smiled, kissed her cheek when she took his arm and pocketed it.
“Michael…” she replied curtly. That was all she managed to say as she remembered how to breathe. No matter how much Sadlyeen Argent despised Michael Greene; he still knocked her off her feet for he was sight to behold. Her immunity was deficient to his extremely good looks and out-of-this-world sexiness. His appearance struck her as hot clad in grey slacks, a white shirt, a grey half coat and black shoes standing in her well furnished large office, truly an exquisite sight.

Michael's hazel eyes held a shade of very light brown at times, his tousled hair a shade between brown and blond, a perfect jaw line and chin, bushy eyebrows, long lashes and beautiful lips that were a subject of women’s fantasy. He stood at 6 feet 4, had shoulders that were just right not too broad and well structured muscles that showed through his well fitting shirt, a lean back, narrow hips and long legs that completed the ensemble to form one a great body. Michael Greene could be compared to the spitting image of a 21st century Greek god. Effortlessly making women swoon just by looking at him not to mention his undying charm. The type whose pictures hang on the walls of teenage girls and old women liked instantly and talked about while knitting.

“What’s it been, four years?” she went on.
“I only have a vague memory.”
“Of course you do, lucky for you I have a good recollection. The last time I saw you; I punched you on your mouth or was it your nose I broke…. That part is unclear.” Sadlyeen smiled sardonically.
“Aah, yes, that happened. You look well” he narrowed his eyes at her fully remembering the experience.
“So do you, please, have a seat.”

Sadlyeen moved from the door around her desk to her chair and sat down placing her elbows on her desk and resting her chin on her interlocked hands.
Michael sat down on one of the two chairs opposite her crossing his legs and gave her a steady calculating gaze.
“I understand we’ll be working together despite my objections.” Sadlyeen started.
“I happen to think this is a mighty fine partnership.” Michael rubbed his chin.
“Oh, you do.” She hadn’t expected that.
“Actually, I happen to know. Correct me if am wrong but I believe we are a combination of wit, intelligence and good instinct.” She couldn’t argue with that.
“Unfortunately, I have to agree with you.”

Sadlyeen sighed as Michael smiled and sat back in her chair. Watching him intently she knew she had to be on guard. The whole thing went against her better judgment, and her sister’s, especially with the probability of enjoying herself. Exchanging retorts, sarcastic remarks and basically trying to outdo each other had been fun back in the day.

They both had ultra egos and whenever they’d been together there had been competition. Four years had not managed to change or even dull that. Despite all that, they were pleasant to each other even if in pretense.
At least that’s what Sadlyeen told herself. Along with, she had not missed him.
By the time the meeting concluded, they’d been through the project and some. Putting her files aside, Sadlyeen rose to see him to the door.

“It was nice to see you after so long Sadlyeen.” Michael said placing his hands on her shoulders and kissing her cheek testing her will at the unexpected gesture.
“You too, Michael.” Sade kissed him back enjoying his scent: a mixture of aftershave, cologne and a natural masculine scent. She watched him sashay to the elevator waving back at him as the doors closed.

“That’s the same guy you have ill feelings towards?” Chrissie questioned an amazed look on her face.
“I can still hate him and appreciate how hot he is.” Sade said half consciously too preoccupied thinking about the nice butt Michael Greene packed.
“Did you just say what I think you just said?”
“No I didn’t, you’re hearing things Chrissie.” Sadlyeen replied when she sobered up.
“Sometimes I find it hard to understand you Sadlyeen Argent.”
“Stand in line sweetheart, stand in line.” Sade smiled mysteriously going back to her office. Chris followed her boss as they had business to discuss.

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