{Reincarnation Chapter 1}

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A/N: Remember when I said the prologue would help you understand future events in the book? This is what I meant, the reincarnation chapters. They show what happened in past times before a couple was given the second chance by the Fates to come back into the present century. It's a sort of historical representation of their former lives. They are honestly my favorite parts.


Ressa was tired, irritable but mostly dreading each mile the horses trudged forward. She had known this journey was her last as a single woman. She had sensed it for a long time, she wasn’t growing any younger. Having just turned 22, by the world standards she was well on her way to spinster-dom.

Most girls were wed by 15.

Her father had mentioned in passing that they were visiting an old friend who just happened to be looking for a suitable wife and mother for his children. Not companion, not life partner. In her father’s defense he was always a bit rough around the edges. The only time she ever saw him show any sensitivity was with her mother, Lord rest her soul. He also only dropped his guard when they were alone. He was a king and he acted like it in the company of his people, mostly his men. She looked at him and sighed. Although graying a little on the sides, he still had an energetic gait but it was not as commanding as it used to be.

His proclamation had indirectly let her know that she was a candidate for said position. There were a few things she was willing to blame her father for. He had wanted a son of course but he got a feminine bundle of joy instead. The blame came where her father had seen no difference and he’d taken her along when he ventured out with his men. Hunting, trading, building, everything he would teach a son. She loved it. She could lift a hammer before she could walk straight. All this had taught her to be independent and to look forward to more adventures while other girls looked forward to marriage. It was also not an attractive quality to suitors who wanted obedient wives who did as they were told.

She was pretty headstrong sometimes it frustrated even her father. She however, in her princess opinion, considered them lesser men. Not like the men of her father’s clan. They took pride in taming a stubborn woman. They even joked about the poor man who’d marry her.

Most of the men in this latest procession were close friends of her father, another indicator of possible marriage. They were her uncles; the only girl ever known to ride with these men. It was one thing she prided herself in. Most people however only saw the outlook. All these men had brought her up alongside her father. Her mother died when she was 6 leaving her father to take care of her, with the help of 9 close friends and clansmen. For the longest time she had had the manners of bearded men who drunk liquor out of jugs and cussed like  sailors even when women were  around. She had a while ago taught herself some lady-like mannerisms though. Enough to get through when need be. She still cussed so much women’s mouths were left hanging while her uncles were always very amused. There was only so much she could get. She didn’t want to change who she was, she just toned it down in certain settings.

She even dressed in ‘men trousers’ something that was unheard of. Women wore layers and layers of skirts. No one knew how hard it was to ride in skirts especially when she spent a big part of her life on a horse. So she made her own more fitting and feminine trousers to make it easier. Most of them were becoming a bit snug at the butt. Seemed those curves were finally coming in.  She rode ahead to her father’s side. He was talking to her favorite uncle Doug who was also her father’s best friend.

“Father… is this journey to marry me off because I’ll be damned if it’s to a beer-gutted pig.”
Doug laughed heartily while she dramatically waited for him to finish.
“You fill me with joy.” He announced.
Her father gazed at her smiling.
“I’ll have you know the candidate in mind is 28 and certainly not a pig.”
“Oh fuck he has a beer gut.” Ressa proclaimed.
“Nothing wrong with beer, I must say I enjoy it and so do most men here.” Doug put in.
“The men here don’t have beer guts uncle. I however like my whisky.” She put in fast and refocused on her father.
“I know you don’t want anyone from the clan for you’d have made a claim already. Beer-guts aside he is a fine lad who had a good upbringing. I liked him the last time I saw him.”
“Which was?”

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