>>>Chapter 10<<<

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Sadlyeen turned her head woken by the sudden burst of a musical beat. She knew that song, liked it even, a lot, crap her phone was ringing. Momentarily taking the time to remember where she was and what was happening.

In bed, right.

Where was her phone? Where was her damn phone? She moved her hands around her bed in random directions hoping to grasp it. Giving up she opened her eyes and sat up slowly. She was too hot under the beddings anyway; she kicked her duvet away in a bid to reduce her temperature. Oh, there it was, by the foot of the bed. She stretched to reach it wondering how it got there.

Laying back on her bed, head on her pillow she received the call without checking caller I.D.
"Morning Sadlyeen." She sat back up so fast making her head swoon. She knew that voice, could recognize it anywhere.
"Hi Michael." She recovered.
"Hi, are we still meeting... Your voice sounds strange. Did you come down with something?"
"Yeah, I have the flu. It's nothing serious. Hold on. . ." she dropped her phone and reached rapidly for her box of tissues by the bed.

She sneezed, coughed and blew her nose noisily. Depositing the used tissue into the bin not far from her bed she picked up her cell phone. They needed to have a recovery meeting since she had gotten drunk, Sade remembered. There was also a clear memory of other events of that night that she blocked from her mind a little embarrassed. Where was her control?

"Still there?"
"Yes I am Sadlyeen. That sounds pretty serious to me." He expressed concerned.
"I'll be okay by tomorrow." She said doubtfully.
Michael paused for a while then he asked, "Kyle there?"
"He's out of town but will be back later."
"Okay." Michael hung up.

Sadlyeen looked at her phone shrewdly. That was weird, she thought to herself. Shrugging, she slumped back on her bed and put her hand over her face. Her nasal passage blocked the simple action of breathing in and out was uncomfortable. She spent five minutes debating whether to stay in bed or get up. The latter won so she got out of bed taking her cell phone to call Chrissie to cancel her appointments for the day. Ten minutes later; showered, her teeth brushed and dressed in a long t-shirt that reached mid-thigh, she picked her precious box of tissues and cell phone then marched to the kitchen. Just as she was about to reach for the fridge door, she heard the door bell.

Sadlyeen put her things on the kitchen counter and shuffled to the door. She opened it to find Michael gingerly smiling at her. Recovering from a mini shock she perused him from head to toe. Dressed casually a grocery bag in hand the man was imply delectable.

"Hi..." he greeted smiling.
"Hello.' She rubbed her forearm.
"Are you going to let me in or shut the door in my face? It's a really good time to make the decision." He was still smiling. Had he read her mind? The idea of shutting the door and running to the bedroom to make herself more presentable had popped into her head. She could only imagine how she looked standing there in the kind of old t-shirt, hair wet, her nose puffy from being blown too often. This was not her usual picture of sophistication and class. This was her damn-I'm-having-a-bad-day look. Seeing reason, she opened the door further and moved aside to let him pass.

He sashayed in carrying the bag of who knew what and headed for the kitchen. Closing the door she silently followed him.
"Sit." He instructed.
"Last I checked this was my house Michael." She stated refusing to budge.
"Now is not the time to be stubborn Sadlyeen, you're sick and I'm here to take care of you.'
She kept standing staring at him; even crossed her arms over her chest.
"C'mon, I mean well, promise." He insisted.
Reluctantly she sat on one of the stools and resigned herself to her fate.
"So?" she asked.
"Well..." he began to unpack the contents of the brown bag mentioning each as he placed it on the counter. "Chicken soup, honey, ginger, garlic and lemons. My nanny always made me a concoction which really helped. I'm not saying it's delicious but you get used to it and like I said it'll help you get better" Michael reassured her when a doubtful expression came across her face.

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