>>>Chapter 12<<<

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It was evening but the sun had yet to set and welcome the night. Sadlyeen Argent’s purposefully crossed past the short reddish-brown mahogany gate into the large beautiful compound that had a large main house at it's far end. The impressive building adjoined six other sizable houses that encircled it. The architecture of the place exhibited design at it's finest from the houses to the garden, it inspired her.

A small stream flowed through the compound along which grass greener than commonly witnessed grew.  Flowers of all types from roses to hydrangeas were planted in arranged format beginning where the grass ended. Two strong timber bridges curved over the stream on different sides allowed access from one side of the stream to another from two directions.

Trees covered the remaining compound here and there but the one that stood out was a huge jacaranda in front of the main house whose flowers covered the ground in a purple carpet during spring. The whole outlook of the place resembled serenity with a peaceful atmosphere uninterrupted by the rest of the world. She always wondered how the sage managed to give the place that calming feel.

During her early teenage years, Sade came across the place one cold night when she snuck out of the house on one of her frequent nightly ventures. That night,  she walked for an hour without a particular destination in mind.  Despite her heavy coat and gloves, the cold slipped right through on that exceptionally chilly night.

Spotting the place from a distance her curiosity got the better of her attracted to the glow of the buildings in the moonlight. Climbing over the wall she jumped into the compound landing in a crouch. Stunning shadows cast all over the compound by the moon mesmerized her. Having had a father who was drawn to art, she had picked a few things from him and besides he used to say she resembled him most. In many ways she was her father’s daughter. He would have called the place devastating, devastatingly beautiful.

The contrast in those two words usually portrayed the magnitude of an items’ beauty. Moving fast through the compound she kept to the shadows incase someone wasn’t asleep yet. The stream was lit all round making it gleam. Despite the need to remain hidden, she could not defeat the urge to get closer. No sooner had she dipped her hands into the water than Sade heard a voice speak behind her.

“Isn’t it a little late for you to be out and about my child?” In her surprise she too fast lost her footing and fell backwards into the water. The man draped in white robes came forward and offered his hand as she came out of the stream.
“Come my child, let’s get you dry.” She eyed his hand wearily then his face. He looked about sixty not from an old appearance but from the grey in his hair. His eyes held wisdom so great that she lowered her eyes from his in a semblance of respect.
“You don’t have to take my hand. However, you are wet and it is cold. You will not be harmed you have my word.” His word seemed to matter to him and her father had taught her that an honest man’s word was everything, his honor. She reached for his hand just as he was pulling it back deciding to trust the stranger. He took her’s firmly and paused to pick her backpack then led her towards the house.

“What is your name little one?” he queried.
“It’s Sadlyeen but my friends call me Sade and I’m not little.”
“Of course you are not.” He mused as a small smile touched his lips. “I’m I your friend? Pardon me but I ask so I know which name to refer to you by.”
“You can call me Sade. You seem harmless enough” she offered.
“Do I.” he chuckled.
“No, but you have a sense about you that is calming me. I figure you are a good person unless it is a trick to lure me.”
“You are quite clever, how old are you?”
“Fifteen.” Sadlyeen said glancing about. She did not notice the man looking at her with interest. It was not malicious at all neither was it perverse; he just had a feeling she was hurting. To a common person she appeared normal but to him he recognized who he had been once, troubled and angry.

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