>>>Chapter 8<<<

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The atmosphere in the building was calm and relaxed without a single person in sight. Other than the security at the front Sadlyeen had not encountered anyone else. As she got to Michael’s office it was very quiet, too quiet but it was night so that was understandable.

Judging by the empty desk outside Michaels’s office, his assistant had already left. The assistant’s office adjoined Michael’s and was much smaller than his. She glanced around the neat, well furnished room and didn’t find a single thing to criticize. Her head spun as dizziness assaulted her brain and after the alcohol she’d consumed this was only the beginning. I have to keep the drowsiness in check, I'm the master of my body come on, Sadlyeen thought.

She approached the door carefully and knocked on it harder than was necessary. The grunted reply was her cue to go in. Shaking her head to try and clear it, she pushed the door open then stood leaning on it when she got inside. Michael looked up from his laptop, and gazed slowly at Sadlyeen.

He got up so suddenly his chair pushed back when he got a good look at her standing by the door. She pushed herself from the door and moved steadily towards Michael’s desk Inna slow pace as if trying to keep her balance but by the way the room bounced and down, she wasn’t so sure she could make it through the short distance. She staggered a little and managed to stay standing by walking into Michael who had appeared in front of her in an instant in time to catch her in his muscular arms.

“Sadlyeen, are you alright.”
She looked up at him through hooded eyes nodding from side to side.
“Damn, are you drunk?” he asked mildly astonished.
“Not really.” she giggled.
"Yup, I'm here to work. Professional and exceptional as ever."
" I think you are kind of wasted." Michael ignored her statement.
"If I was, I would know. Although, the room is dancing a little bit."
"And what in your opinion would be the cause?"
“I just told the bartender to keep ‘em coming so probably that.”
“Sadlyeen, why would you get this drunk?”

The look in her eyes clenched at his heart and gnawed at his soul. She averted her gaze and put her head on his shoulder breathing heavily.
“It just hurt Michael, so much and I couldn’t take it anymore or think straight. I just drove and found myself there, I didn’t plan on it. Drown your sorrows in alcohol as they say. Afterwards I remembered we had a work thing after hours so here I am”

She looked up at him and he pulled her against him hugging her tightly; one hand holding her head to his chest while the other rubbed her back slowly in rhythm. For a split second he was almost sure she’d break down but of course she held her own. There was an ache in his heart that he would have very much liked to rub off but couldn’t. That haunted look in her eyes was a slap on his cheek. He had only seen it one other time a few years ago when he’d realized how much his actions had hurt her. That was before her fist landed on his face.

“You smell so nice.” She mumbled against his shoulder.
Momentarily stunned by her comment he leaned back.
“That’s how I… smell, always.”
“I remember.” His face expressed wonder like she’d grown a second head or something. He pulled back, turned with her and lifted her so she was sitting on his desk. Her short grey dress rode higher up her thighs. His breath caught and she made a show of adjusting it. He was standing between her legs his hands placed on either side of her thighs on the desk.

All he could think about was how this usually strong woman whose demeanor could neither be shaken nor intimidated by anything or anyone looked so damn vulnerable at that moment. Not to mention her radiant beauty that seemed to make her glow. Even in the stupor, she looked more than attractive. She was beautiful, more like a goddess. Yeah, he would totally rank her with the likes of Athena and Artemis. More so, above them.

More of a dark goddess who awoke fiery emotions in him.

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