>>>Chapter 21<<<

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“Sade wake up baby.” Still so sleepy, was it morning yet. “C’mon baby you need to wake up.”

Sadlyeen turned in her bed opening her eyes. It was still dark but she knew the voice.

“Mom, what’s going on? She sat up.
“There is no time to explain come.” She took her mother’s hand following her to her dad’s study.

Her father waited with Dale and Mel; they had been woken up too. When he saw them he sighed in little relief.

She could sense something was wrong.

“Da-ddy…” She heard the tears in her voice. He gestured she go to him and she did. He hugged her so tightly she thought her bones would break. Their mom picked Mel up while Dale came close to their father. He looked at both of them in a way he never had before, as if they were not children.

“Something has happened at work. We are moving you guys and we’ll join you as soon as we can.” She may have just gotten to her early teens but she could tell something was very wrong.

Why were they leaving in the middle of the night and why were they leaving their parents behind.

“You are all in charge of each other but make sure you take care of Melanie she is still a child.”
“We are not leaving without you.” Sadlyeen vehemently put in.

He turned to her and she could see the worry lines on his face and the stress expressly written there. “You have to sweetheart. I’m asking you to, for me. Okay?”

She still nodded no but by the tears falling down her face they both knew she would.

“Let’s go.” Her father picked her up and walked out of the room with her mother and siblings in toe.

She held onto the only man she loved so much, and looked up to, with everything she had.

Maybe if she could stick to him they would let her stay.

He rubbed her back as he walked out of the house, down the front steps to the waiting car.

“You have to let go now.” She heard her father say but she refused to. A bad feeling swished around in her gut.

A really horrible feeling.

“Sadlyeen, you are my little girl but I need you to be the courageous young lady I know you are and can be.” She loosened her hold and he set her down.

He took a knee before her and went on.

“You will be great, all of you. You are a mini version of me in every way sweetheart and I know you’ll do what needs to be done. You’ll take care of your siblings okay. You promise me that.”

She crushed into him in a fierce hug before she pulled back to face her mother. Dale hugged his father and mother and got into the car where their mother handed Mel to him. She turned to face Sade.

"Oh honey, I love you so much. I’m so sorry.” She let go and urged her to get in.
“You take care of each other.” The words were said with some finality and she kissed each of her children’s foreheads.

She moved back to give room to their father.

“I love you so much, never forget that.” He closed the door and the vehicle took off in such a speed they fell back on their seats.

In that moment she broke and let out a strangled, tortured wail that shook her entire self. Melanie moved into her lap in a sort of comfort but they were both crying.

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