Authors Note

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Hello you beautiful earthlings. Lyssah here with another amazing love story. This one is going to be short and sweet.

Anyone who has read any of my books knows that they are all inspired by people close to me. If you haven't read any of my books please do. I have three complete and two ongoing including this one.

Anyway this story hits a little close to home because it's inspired by my baby sister. She is my biggest supporter in my writing career and has been bugging me for ages to do a story on her so I finally decided to do it. Am gonna keep it PG because there are things I don't want to write about my sister. Everything is fictional except for her general look like body size, hair and whatnot, her general personality and what the story is built on, her dyslexia. She's struggled with it all her life but she doesn't let it keep her down. She's the most cheerful soul you'll ever meet but witty and savage courtesy of me. She's also smart, wise, funny and allows me to blackmail her into doing whatever I want. I couldn't ask for a better sister.

Without further ado, let's kick off to the first chapter. But before that.

I do not own any of the images I've used. They are all internet generated. Gotta love Pinterest.

Thanks for all your support.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

One more thing, nothing encourages me to write more than when I read your comments and see the votes. They make me laugh and smile and let me know that people are enjoying my book. It might sound stupid but for me it means the world. So please please please with a cherry on top click that little star at the very bottom of each page and feel free to comment and share my book if you like it. Stay safe and take care of your special selves and your families. Be blessed♥♥.

As always I Love You 3000@Lyssah.

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