Chapter Fifteen

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It had been three weeks since Alanna's awkward encounter with Helen and she had been doing her best to avoid her. The only time they were in close encounter was when they were in class for a lesson. Other than that Alanna did her best to avoid Helen and so far it was working perfectly. It's not that she was afraid of the girl, she just wasn't looking forward to the confrontation it would lead to. It was like telling her they Ryan has chosen her instead and even she knew she'd never like to hear those words.

It was currently Friday and Alanna was looking forward to a long weekend free of homework, full of sleeping and a lot of baking. She wanted to sharpen her baking skills too even though she preferred cooking to baking. It was all the same trade though so she better be good at everything.

That day for lunch she had made pilau and kachumbari. Ryan had been bugging her about it all week so she'd decided to make it for him. She'd also observed that he had joined Sophia in taking photographs of all the food that she made. She didn't question him though. She had better things to do than question a full grown boy why he was taking pictures of food. Maybe he printed them out and slept with them under his pillow in hope of dreaming with them. That was a funny thought to have.

Alanna was headed back to class having forgotten the kachumari. That's what she gets for packing food in three different containers, bound to forget one. Maybe one of these days she should make Ryan cook them lunch. Another fun idea but she wasn't a looking forward to getting food poisoning so better stick to doing the cooking herself.

As soon as she got back to class, she went to her desk, opened it and grabbed the food. She wanted to hurry back before Ryan decided to make it his personal mission to annoy her for delaying his lunch. One of these days she was going to make that boy pay for treating her like his personal slave. He didn't exactly do that but she didn't like being at his beck and call all the time. What was she? His butler?

Just as Alanna turned to walk out of class the door slammed open making her spin quickly with a surprised yelp. Why did people love sneaking up on her like that? She came face to face with a fuming Helen. Oh boy, someone was in trouble.

"You have been quite the hard person to track Alanna." Helen commented walking closer to her.

You see in movies where the bad guy stalks slowly towards their prey holding a weapon. That's exactly what was happening but instead of a weapon Helen had a clenched fist. Alanna knew Helen would not hit her because they were banned from fighting in school ground unless they wanted to be expelled but you never know what goes on in that girls crazy brain.

"It's been a busy couple of weeks and speaking of busy I'm very hungry so if you'll excuse me I have to go." Alanna excused herself and went to walk past Helen but she blocked her path.

Alanna moved to walk the other way but Helen moved too blocking her way. They did that dance a few times before Alanna gave up and stood still.

"I gave you a task and you failed at it or you succeeded and couldn't face me to tell me that you had because you're jealousy." Helen commented.

Alanna but the inside of her cheek to avoid laughing out loud so as not to aggravate Helen anymore than she already was. This girl was speaking utter nonsense.

"First of all I'm not you're maid so you can't just order me around and second don't you think that if I had succeeded you would already know since Ryan would have already texted you and third if I failed and didn't tell you it's because I was trying to save you're feelings. I'm not as heartless as you are." Alanna replied leaving Helen open mouthed.

She turned to walk away from her but Helen grabbed her hand stopping her.

"You will pay for taking him away from me." Helen warned.

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