Chapter Fourteen

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After another long week at school the gang had decided to hang out at Alanna's place on Saturday as a way to unwind and bond. As usual Alanna took it upon herself to cook and since they would be hanging out all day she made different things for them to snack on. She had noticed that they all loved to eat and she loved to make food so she was not going to disappoint. They had all agreed to be there by ten in the morning and it was half past nine and Alanna still needed to finish up on the smoothies she'd been working on the past half hour and take a quick shower.

Speaking of desserts, the cake Ryan had baked during the class on Monday had gotten him a B which made him very happy.They had worked hard on Saturday and he was finally able to make a very good cake. Alanna's had been excellent as usual getting her an A but it wasn't really a competition. If it had been though, Alanna would have won with no competition whatsoever.

After Alanna was done preparing everything she hopped into the shower and got clean. On coming back to her room she decided on wearing camouflage high waisted cargo pants, a white crop top and a long sleeved navy green cropped sweater over it. It was a little chilly. She styled her hair and put on some fuzzy socks. Just as she was deciding on what earrings to wear someone entered her room. She turned quickly to see who it was and was relieved to see that it was just Sophia. Alanna placed a hand over her heart as if it'd calm how fast it was racing.

"Sorry for scaring you." Sophia apologized.

"It's okay. I'm just glad it was you and not Ryan. That boy has no boundaries." Alanna commented as they exchanged a hug.

"Tell me about it. You look cute. I like the sweater." Sophia complimented.

"Thank you you look beautiful too." Alanna replied.

And it was true, Sophia looked good in skinny black jeans, a black baggy T-shirt with some band logo on it tied in a knot in the side and a faded black denim jacket and black socks. She was definitely rocking all black today.

"I didn't hear you guys come in." Alanna commented as she put on some stud earrings shaped like stars and others like a music sign.

"You must have been in the shower. I had to wrestle with Ryan so he didn't come in here." Sophia replied and Alanna groaned out loud making Sophia chuckle.

"Is everyone here?" Alanna asked.

"Yeah just waiting for you. Though I think they've already selected a movie and started on the smoothies you made and the popcorn." Sophia replied.

"Well we better go before Ryan comes searching." Alanna said and Sophia nodded before they headed out of her room.

Alanna was grateful for Sophia, they were the only girls in the group so they had bonded real quick. Sophia never judged Alanna or saw her as anything other than a really good friend and Alanna appreciated that a lot. She finally had a female friend she could trust besides her sister or her mom who didn't count.

Alanna walked in after Sophia who walked directly towards Tony and cuddled into his side. She didn't want to bend down to hug all of them since they were already seated so she just fist bumped them all and sat next to Ryan.

He wasn't too thrilled about the fist bump idea so he pulled Alanna into a side hug and didn't let go so it looked like Alanna was cuddled into his side. She knew he wouldn't let go so she just decided to be comfortable and pretend it wasn't happening.

"You look good." Ryan whispered in her ear.

"Thank you. You clean up good too."She complimented.

He did look good in blue skinny jeans rugged at the knees, a white t-shirt poking under an orange hoodie.

"So what movie did you guys pick?" Sophia asked.

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