Chapter Twenty Two

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Hey guys so the POV will change in this chapter and switch to Ryan. Bare with me. It's needed to pass a certain message. Enjoy and please vote and comment.


Ryan sat in the waiting room covered in blood, tears streaming down his cheeks as his foot tapped continuously on the tiled floor his head sandwiched between his bloody hands. Alanna had been in the operating room for the past two hours but it felt like an eternity for him. Her parents were on their way. He had called them as soon as they arrived at the hospital but they had been at a family event four hours away and had to start driving back. He was seated there all alone with crazy thoughts running through his mind at a thousand kilometers per second.

Seeing Alanna lying on the ground like that beaten up to the brink of death had torn him apart. He had tried to run as fast as he could to get to her but he was too slow, his body weakened by fighting the cold.

The love of his life, yes love of his life was fighting for her life and he could actually loose her without telling her that he loved her. He may never get to eat her amazing cooking again or touch her or even kiss her. After always being in the background of her life all this time he was finally at a place where he could proudly call her his then this happens. And it was all his fault too. No actually it was that crazy girl Helens fault but he was partly to blame for her crazy.

Just the thought of losing Alanna brought more pain and sadness in his heart making it break all over again. He needed to see her and tell her it would be okay, that she would pull through but even he didn't believe that. He had seen her wounds how she was badly injured and all the blood she had lost as they waited for the ambulance. She was barely breathing when they carried her in. And her last words to him was an apology. He couldn't live with himself if those words were the last thing he got to hear from her.

"Please fight for me baby. I know it's going to be hard but for me please and I promise to not make you cook for me all the time. I'm probably lying but please don't give up when I just got you in my life." Ryan whispered to himself wishing those words could reach Alanna.

Multiple footsteps came rushing towards him and Ryan looked up to see his friends all running towards him. Ryan couldn't even master the courage to get up and just burst into more tears not caring who saw him like that. Sophia rushed towards him and sat next to him engulfing him into a hug blood and all.

"Oh sweetheart. It's gonna be okay. She'll be okay." Sophia reassured him her voice breaking too as she bit her lip to hold in the tears.

The boys just patted his shoulder and they all sat in the empty seats next to him. They all looked worried and like they were about to cry themselves but they held it together for Ryan's sake. They had to be strong for him.

"What happened?" Sam asked carefully so as not to spook Ryan.

The poor guy looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown. Amidst tears and a lot of stopping to calm himself down Ryan managed to narrate what he'd heard through the phone. By the end of it all Sophia who surprised herself by being the level headed one this time was calming down a group of three enraged boys who all wanted to go for Helen.

"Guys calm down beating her up will not change things but only make them worse. She'll get what she deserves." Sophia stated calmly.

"How? You heard Ryan. There's no evidence. It's her words against theirs." Tony replied.

"Well if you had been listening closely you would have realized that we do have evidence. Ryan was recording their phone call." Sophia reminded them and all their eyes widened in realization.

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