Chapter Eleven

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Alanna woke up late the following morning feeling like she'd been working out the whole of the previous day. Well in a way she had that's why her muscles were so sore. She opened her eyes and looked around realizing she was in her room but there was another body in bed with her. She recognized the long braids peeking out from under the covers as Liz's.

A smile graced her lips in reflection of the joy she felt inside at having her sister there with her. They always shared a bed for a few days after spending a really long time away from each other. Liz didn't like it but Alanna was very convincing and always bribed her with food and being a girl who loved food Liz could never say no.

The previous day had been a success and a few of the kids had cried seeing them leave but they promised they'd be back, which they definitely would. Alanna had had the most fun with her sister,all her friends and the kids too. Her phone gallery filled with very many pictures was proof enough of a fun day. They had gotten home at around nine pm and being too tired to do anything had changed directly into their pajamas and gone to bed.

Alanna checked her phone and realized it was already ten in the morning. Even if she wasn't tired it was already too late to go to church so she decided to get up, take a shower and make breakfast . Liz stirred when she felt the bed shift but drifted back to sleep when Alanna asked her to. She'd wake her up when it was time for breakfast. She then got out of bed, grabbed her towel and proceeded to the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later she entered the kitchen dressed in grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt. The perfect outfit for a day indoors with her sister. All the utensils and cooking materials she'd used at the children's home was still at the door, thankfully clean so all she had to do was put them in their respectful places.

Alanna decided to make Liz's favorite breakfast which was brown porridge, toast and sausages. Weird combination but that girl could eat anything as long as it wasn't milk. For some reason she didn't like milk and it always made her nauseous.

Putting on her apron Alanna got to work. She was still exhausted but she could rest later and besides she only had her sister for the day and it was back to being all alone again. She wasn't completely alone though having new friends so it made her sisters departure later today seem easier.

Her sister came into the kitchen just as she was washing her hands to go call her after finishing everything. She was wearing a very comfortable looking jump short which seemed to fit her perfectly exposing her long flawless brown legs. Her braided her falling over her back with a make up free face. Liz didn't do make up either except for the occasional eye pencil. She said it made her eyes pop which was weird because she wore glasses. She had sensitivity to bright light. She wore them rarely though because she said they made her brow itchy. She looked good in glasses though, like a sexy nerd.

"Morning. What smells so good?" Liz asked grabbing a sausage and biting on it.

Alanna shook her head at Liz's behavior which was surprisingly very similar to Ryan's. Maybe she only attracted the kind of people that were foodies only. Well Liz was her sister but she could have as well hated eating but she didn't.

"Morning, I made your favorite breakfast that you're already munching on." Alanna replied.

"Thank you it tastes amazing as always. Are mom and dad up yet?" Liz asked.

"Yes. Mom left a note on the fridge saying they went to church but would be back later so we can spend the whole afternoon together as a family." Alanna explained.

"Well that's good, more time to grill you about that Ryan boy." Liz said.

Before Alanna could protest Liz grabbed the plate with sausages and toast then walked out of the kitchen. Alanna rolled her eyes before grabbing two mugs with porridge and following her sister to the living room.

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