Chapter Four

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Saturdays. Everyone loves Saturdays. Alanna more than everyone else. No school. No teachers. No bullies. Sleeping in and cooking new things. It was the best day of the week for her and Sunday too of course. But Sunday was too close to Monday and that wasn't good, so Saturday it is.

Alanna had it all planned out. Sleep in, breakfast, chores, assignments, cooking and then end the day with binge watching Teen wolf. She was in the fifth season and the sixth looked even more promising. Perfect day right, we would just have to wait and see. Alanna's parents made their own breakfast on Saturday to allow her to sleep in. They didn't even ask her to make them breakfast during the weekdays, she just volunteered because she enjoyed it.

For breakfast that day her parents just made toast and tea. Lazy bones, Alanna thought to herself as she ate it being as she was still half asleep and not feeling like whipping herself something better. The toast was good though.

After breakfast Alanna started off her chores by doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. It wasn't that dirty considering she always cleaned up after herself but this was her safe haven. It had to be in tip top shape.

After getting the kitchen done she moved onto the bathroom and bedrooms before finally tackling the living room and the store. It seems like a lot of work but Alanna actually kinda liked it because it kept her mind busy. The less she could overthink the better.

Walking through the house Alanna felt proud of herself for all the good work done. The curtains were drawn to allow light filter into all the rooms and some fresh air too. It smelled of green apples. She liked that smell very much.

Sweaty and tired Alanna decided to take a shower before she settled down to deal with the mountain of assignments on her desk. Stripping off her clothes she tossed them into the laundry basket. The one thing she wasn't a fan of was laundry so her mom had someone come in once a week to do it so Alanna didn't have to deal with it. Thank the heavens for an understanding mom.

Grabbing her towel Alanna walked into the freshly cleaned bathroom to clean up and emerged half an hour later feeling much better.

She dried up and applied body lotion before getting dressed in a pair of baggy shorts that reached mid thigh and one of those tops that come with an attached sports bra.

Alanna then sat on her desk, grabbed the book at the top of the pile and opened it. Chemistry. Great first choice. She was good at sarcasm too. They had been given chemical equations to balance and even though they weren't that hard, as other people said, Alanna just couldn't get the gist of it.

Thirty minutes later she was still staring at the same page her pen drawing little dots on one spot that she kept tapping. Feeling couped up and unable to concentrate Alanna grabbed all her books and pens and moved to the living room. She decided to change subjects with the hope that it would help but Maths wasn't any better nor was Biology. It's like all subjects were designed for her torture.

After an hour of trying Alanna gave up. She groaned and leaned back on the seat. It was two in afternoon and she hadn't got anything done for the last hour and a half. Maybe it was because she was hungry. Yes that must be it. With that thought, Alanna got up and went to the kitchen.

She opened the fridge for a look to decide on what to cook. Looking at everything she decided to make some noodles with minced meat and kales. Getting all the ingredients she needed from the fridge, she placed them on the counter. Tying an apron on to prevent stains on her clothes she got to work in her lunch and fell into the zone.

Watching Alanna work was something straight out of a cooking show. She was unsure about everything else but her cooking skills. She worked like a pro moving skillfully in the kitchen. Her hands were swift and she chopped up so quick and perfectly you definitely wouldn't be able to keep up. To Alanna this was something she could do for the rest of her life. Everyone who had tasted her cooking ever since she got really good at it agreed with her. She was the one who cooked during family events and the praise she got always boosted her ego.

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