Final Remarks

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Before I begin I want to make three important shoutouts. One is for my baby sister Ann_Njue for being the inspiration behind the story and for always being there to read each chapter and give the most amazing and honest reviews. Next is to trinny26 for always voting and for being the first to read a chapter after it was posted, thank you so much. The third shoutout is to everyone else for being such amazing readers silent or active you guys are one of the reasons I write.

Also if you guys have any requests for bonus chapters. I'm open to hearing them and write a chapter for you and dedicate it to the one who asked for it. Feel free to comment here.

Now onto the sensitive stuff.

Please read this part, it'll only take a few minutes.

So September was my sisters birthday month and I wanted to do something special for her. When I started this book out I didn't know it was going to be for her birthday but it ended up that way. Her birthday has already passed but am no Supergirl and great things take time. I missed the deadline by two days😭😭😭. It's okay though I still finished it. (Not looking forward to the editing part. I cringe at the typos you guys have endured).

For the longest time ever since my sister discovered I could write she has been bugging me to write a book for her. I think she thinks it's easy writing a whole book. Anyway I took it that she really believed in me and she does. I really wanted to write her a book but my fellow authors know how hard it is to come up with a story idea that you can actually build upon.

After struggling really hard and coming up blank I eventually got an idea, I toyed with it and it actually became something I could build upon.

Let me give you a brief history about the book. So my sister is two years younger than me and she has dyslexia. It's really hard for her and she doesn't do well at school. Not many people get it, even my own parents. She's really smart but when it comes to reading and writing everything becomes a challenge. To add to this she's a little on the heavier side. Surprisingly enough she loves her size. Even though she has dyslexia my sister reads my books even if it's hard for her and she always gives the most amazing reviews and gets angry when the story ends. She really is my biggest supporter and I thank God for her daily.

I got the book idea when she admitted she has a crush on someone who she used to go to the same school with. He's a cutie by the way. My sister is too chicken to approach him and I don't want her to either, come on, she's my baby sister, I don't want to imagine her having a boyfriend.

My sister isn't bullied at school but I had to build my story on something thus the bullying, she's too lovable for that and knows how to stand up for herself. She does get into trouble a lot though.

I'm sorry for the long rant I just wanted to express a few things. First of all bullying of any form is NOT okay. Don't bully anyone because you wouldn't like it if the same was done to you. Shame on you if you're a bully. Ask God to forgive you and change your ways.

Second thing is body shaming. I don't like that at all. We all have different body sizes all given by God so respect Gods creation because you yourself are one . Who told you that skinny and slim is the is the ideal body size? For all we know the thicker the better so please stop ridiculing people because of their size. We are all beautiful and created wonderfully and fearfully by our God.

Third and last I want to say that dyslexia is real. People don't choose to have it, they just do. They are not stupid, they just have a disorder so please try to be more understanding towards people who suffer from it. They are still human beings like we are.

Love each other just like God loves us.

Be safe and I love you all. Thank you for reading this till the end. Be blessed. 

ALANNA ✔️Where stories live. Discover now