Chapter Six

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Monday rolled around too quick for Alanna's liking. Why couldn't the weekend just last forever or at least switch up with the weekdays so that she only had school for two days. Now that was a fun thought to have. School for two days only, that'd be awesome.

With Ryan's help she was able to pay a little more attention in class. As annoying and comical as that boy was he took his studies seriously and Alanna respected that about him. When it was time for lessons it was just that, learning, but as soon as class was over its like that switch was turned off and he was back to his goofy self. Alanna didn't possess the ability to have different moods at school, she was always serious. But that was also proving to be hard with all the time she was spending with Ryan. She found herself laughing more and always having a smile on her face.

Her favorite part of the day came. If you guessed lunch time you're very correct. She sat at her usual table and opened her flask to get what she'd prepared for lunch that day. Yesterday after Ryan left Alanna had realized she had a lot of time to kill so she made some meat samosas and kebabs. It was her first time making the kebabs but as usual she had aced it. She'd made too many as usual so she decided to carry them today for lunch and share with a certain someone who loved her food a little too much.

As if on cue Ryan dropped himself next to her with all his friends following right behind carrying their own food, either from the cafeteria or home made. Ryan didn't have food with him so she assumed she'd have to share with him as usual. They exchanged greetings and settled down.

"Where's your food Ryan?" Alanna asked him feigning curiosity.

He looked at her with his charming smile and innocent eyes. She knew that look.

"Why do I need to get food when I have my own personal chef?" He replied.

"Oh My God. You do? Where?" She asked dramatically looking around and even under the table.

"I can't see them. Did you put them in your pocket?" She asked sarcastically and everyone around them laughed except for Ryan.

"Ha ha ha.Very funny. Now hand that dish over. Im curious as to what we're having today. I'm starving." He replied and tried snatching the flask from her but she pushed it further away from him.

"I'm not your personal chef Ryan." Alanna warned.

"Yes you are and I love you for it. Now hand it over. I'm about to pass out from hunger." He exaggerated placing his hand over his stomach and his forehead showing he was in pain.

"Take that back." Alanna demanded a little too harshly.

"What?"Ryan asked shocked.

"There are people starving out there Ryan, like really starving with no food at all and here you are claiming you are about to pass out. It's not nice to say that. It's like you're mocking them." Alanna expressed sadly.

Alanna watched the news and saw all those hungry children die on the screen. It's why she never wasted food. If she made too much and there was no one to eat it she packed it up and gave it to the homeless or those begging for food.

"I'm sorry. I'll never say that again. Now can I please have some food?" He requested nicely and she gave in and pushed the flask towards him.

Everyone else had been watching their exchange silently. To them it was comical watching them banter back and forth but they also knew Alanna was right. Ryan shouldn't have said what he did in that manner but he apologized so that was fixed.

"Kebabs and Samosas. Someone's trying to make me gain weight." Ryan exclaimed with the same excitement he did whenever he saw what she'd made.

He was like her own personal cheerleader when it came to food.

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