Chapter Sixteen

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Pacing back and forth in her room was definitely not helping Alanna calm down. She had been freaking out all day about her date with Ryan and the more time passed the more nervous she got. It was half past two meaning she had an hour and a half to get ready. Who even goes for a date in the middle of the afternoon? When she had told her parents she was going on date that morning during breakfast they'd just told her to be safe and make sure to update them. Definitely not what she had expected but it worked out in her favor so she dared not argue with them. Her dad had also given her what he called "insurance money" just in case Ryan bailed on her and she needed a way home. If Ryan bailed on her during their date she would beat him to a pulp the next time she saw him. Away from those damaging thoughts. It was time for her to get ready.

She stripped off her clothes before wrapping a towel around her and heading for the bathroom. She took a long shower,washed and conditioned her hair, shaved and brushed her teeth. She then went back to her room and dried herself up before applying lotion all over her body. She then put on her underwear and stood in front of her closet wondering what to wear. She wasn't going to wear a dress that's for sure. She settled oh high waisted black dungaree jeans that her sister had bought for her a while ago but never wore. Not that they weren't nice but she was saving them for a special occasion and this seemed special enough. She then picked a black long sleeved cropped top that showed a bit of her belly. It wasn't flat but it was hidden under the jeans. The top had a zip between her chest but she closed it. It also had cut outs in her shoulders so they were bare but it looked cute.

Now what to do with her hair. It had grown longer so she blow dried it and then straightened it out. She then applied gel to it before dividing it into two tiny buns because her hair wasn't long enough. She then opened her drawer and brought out two fake afro buns that her sister had used on her hair some time ago and expertly placed them over her two tiny buns. She made sure they were secure and wouldn't fall off before using hair spray and she was set to go. She still had like twenty minutes before Ryan arrived so she video called Sophia to get her opinion on her outfit.

"Hey babe what's up?" Sophia asked when she picked up. When she got a closer look at Alanna she whistled. "You look good. Ryan will be falling over his feet tonight."

Alanna chuckled"You've only seen my face and hair princess."

"Okay but it still looks good. Show me the rest of you then." Sophia instructed and Alanna obliged.

She stood up and set her phone carefully on the table before stepping away from it so her whole body could be in frame.

"What do you think?" Alanna asked her.

"You look good mami. I would take you out on a date myself. What shoes are you going to wear?" Sophia asked.

"I haven't decided yet. Any ideas?" Alanna asked.

"How about those grey Nike Air Max shoes you ordered last week?" Sophia suggested.

"But they are grey do you think they'll match with the outfit?" Alanna asked.

"You're wearing all black and black goes with anything so yes you'll be good."Sophia assured her.

Alanna grabbed the shoes and a pair of socks before putting everything on. Checking herself out in the mirror she saw that it actually matched and she was good to go. She sat back down and saw Sophia scrutinizing her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Alanna asked her.

"I know you don't like make up but if you have any lip gloss on you then put some on. It'll actually look nice." Sophia suggested.

"I'm not sure." Alanna replied unsure.

"Just put it on and if you don't like it then wipe it off." Sophia replied.

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