Chapter Twenty Three

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Ryan allowed everyone else to go in first and see Alanna before he himself went in. Not that he was scared or anything, well he was a little bit but he was mostly didn't want to see her in such a vulnerable state. He had already seen her at her worst when he found her all bloody but this was just another level of scary for him. He stood patiently outside waiting for Sophia and Tony to come out. Only two people were allowed inside at a time. Nobody was allowed to stay with the patients overnight no matter the situation so they all just agreed to see her and leave but they would be there first thing in the morning.

"You're turn buddy." Tony said once they left the room while Sophia just gave him an encouraging smile.

Taking a deep breath Ryan turned the knob and entered the ICU and the sight of her had him frozen by the door unable to move. She was lying in the bed tucked into the bed by navy blue sheets. She was hooked into all kinds of machines and there was even one running from her mouth. The heart monitor was beeping reminding him that she was still there with him.

"My poor girl. What have they done to you?" Ryan asked as he gathered the courage to walk further into the room and sat in the chair next to her bed.

He took her hand in his feeling how cold she was and he didn't like that. She was covered in bruises and her face was swollen with stitches in more than one place. She looked like a totally different person but to him she was still his beautiful girl who had the most amazing smile. They had to shave of her hair because of a cut she'd suffered bits he knew that wouldn't bother her. She didn't like having long hair anyway and always kept it short.

"I'm so sorry baby. I wasn't fast enough to protect you." Ryan apologized as a tear rolled down his cheek but he swiped it off fast not wanting to show weakness in front of her.

She couldn't see him but all the same better be careful.

"You have no idea just how happy I am that you are okay. Just get better soon love and I promise to spoil you like the princess you are because you deserve it." Ryan promised.

He spent some more time with her just listening to the heart monitor. Her heart was beating ever so slightly but it was still moving showing that she was still living. Ryan knew that Alanna was his whole world and a life without her would simply be impossible to live in. He lived for her smile when someone complimented her cooking, the way she laughed when she saw something funny or how she never failed to laugh at Sam's jokes even when they weren't funny just to see him smile. The whole group had all agreed that Alanna was the missing piece to their little group. She had been able to complete everyone in one way it another by being such a great friend.

When she agreed to become his girlfriend Ryan had never been more happy in his life. He had this incredible girl he could call his. Now she was connected to all these tubes and he couldn't do anything but sit and wait for her to get better and wake up. He wanted to see her smile and those gorgeous eyes of hers that always lit up whenever she was excited. He loved how she cried during emotional scenes in movies and always tried to hide it. Seeing her like this, he promised himself to always treasure those little moments with her as well as the big ones because they were not promised tomorrow.

His train of thought was interrupted by Sophia coming into the room and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Ryan we have to go. The doctor said we can come in the morning." She informed him.

"Okay just a few more minutes." Ryan pleaded and Sophia nodded even though she knew they were supposed to go right then but she didn't have the heart to tell him no.

They stayed that way a few more minutes before Ryan stood up and leaned in to kiss Alanna's forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe. I love you." He whispered before turning around and following Sophia outside the room.

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