Chapter Seven

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Alanna's alarm didn't ring Friday morning so she woke up two hours late. Freaking out that she was super late for school she jumped out of bed quickly before grabbing a towel and dashing out of her room. If it was up to her she'd just miss the whole day but her parents would never let her hear the end of it. They were super chill about a lot of things but if there was one thing they took seriously it was school.

She ran smack into her mother who was just walking out of her bedroom. She looked like she just woke up and she had since it was seven in the morning, her normal rise up time.

"Mami where are you rushing off to?" Her mom asked her holding her shoulders to stop her.

"Why are you so calm at seeing me here? I'm late for school." Alanna replied wondering why her mom was so cool about the whole idea of her being late to school.

Her mother smiled knowingly shocking Alanna even more.

"There's no school today." Her mom informed her.

"Huh?" She asked still puzzled.

"You silly child. Did you forget. It's a public holiday today. Go back to bed." Her mom explained.

Alanna breathed a sigh of relief before she beamed at the thought of no school. That meant she had a three day weekend. Yay public holidays. She was too amped up to go back to bed. It'd not be hard for her to fall back asleep but it'd take effort.

"Why don't I make us breakfast before you and dad go to work? We haven't had a family breakfast in a while." Alanna suggested with a hopeful smile.

She was right. They almost never had breakfast together. Not because they didn't want to but because their schedules never aligned.

"That sounds good darling. Why don't you try that waffle maker your dad won in the raffle. If anyone can figure out how to use that thing it's you." Her mom suggested.

"Of course mom."Alanna replied feeling excited about making waffles for the first time.

She went back into her room to return the towel and her mom returned to their bedroom to get ready for the day. Alanna walked back to her bathroom to brush her teeth, wash her face and relieve herself before going to the kitchen to prepare her family breakfast.

She switched on the lights, put on her apron before grabbing all the ingredients she needed and got to work. She knew her parents would take about one hour so she took her time to make the best breakfast possible.

The waffle maker was a little hard to figure out at first so she definitely messed up a few times. But once she did it, she made enough for her parents and made pancakes for herself. She wasn't sure if she'd be willing to taste the waffles after what she'd gone through making them. She also made bacon and fresh orange juice. She hated the factory kind, it tasted awful.

After everything was ready she set it all up in the dining room and proceeded to make her mom chai (milk tea) to carry with her to work, she lived for that tea.

Her mom called her from the dining room just as she was pouring the tea into a flask. She finished up, removed her apron and joined her parents in the next room.

The dining room and kitchen were separated by a wall but there was a small window to pass food through.

"Good morning dad." Alanna greeted kissing her dad's cheek before sitting down next to him. The dining room was simple with a small mini fridge in the corner and a huge table in the middle that sat six people. Her dad sat on one end at the head of the table while she and her mom say across from each other on either side of dad.

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