Chapter Seventeen

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Alanna and Ryan had been going through the check in process for the past thirty minutes. When they had gotten to the gate Ryan had shown their passes on his phone whereby they were given badges and led forward. They had proceeded to have their names and pictures taken for security reasons before they were ushered forward for a slight briefing. It was now five pm and the show would begin at six and end at seven. The next part that was about to happen she was definitely not looking forward to it. Since Alanna was going to be in the show with the host she had a different briefing from Ryan meaning they were about to get separated.

"Hey look at me." Ryan requested lifting her chin up so should could look into his eyes.

"It's only for a little while and then you will be done. The show is only for an hour and you and I are going for dinner afterwards. An hour and a half to have the best time of your life." He reassured her.

"Okay thank you for this again." Alanna said with a smile.

"Anytime baby. Now go show Kenya what a whiz you are in the kitchen. I'll be watching the whole time." Ryan replied returning her smile.

They exchanged a brief tight hug before Alanna was called again and they had to separate. She gave him his bag before she was pulled away. Ryan watched her disappear before he himself was led away to join the rest of the audience. His seat was already reserved so he got to sit at the front where he could see his girl more clearly.

Alanna on the other hand was feeling very nervous but she reminded herself that this was one of the things in her bucket list. So she decided to take a deep breath, put on a smile and enjoy herself.

"Okay sweetheart is this your first time on Tv." The lady helping her out asked her.

Alanna chuckled nervously"Is it that obvious?"

"Yes it is but but don't worry. I'm sure you'll do great." The lady whose name Alanna had failed to catch reassured her.

"Thanks I'm really looking forward to it." Alanna replied.

"Good, now here are a few rules you must follow for the show to run smoothly. Always let the chef lead you and if you have any questions make sure to ask him. Don't talk unless talked to. Don't look directly at the camera unless it's labeled face camera then you have to look at it. The rest of the cameras are not for you so don't look. And last but not least have fun and make sure to smile genuinely. People tend to notice fake smiles." The lady instructed and Alanna nodded going over the rules in her head to make sure she didn't forget a single one.

She was given an apron and a netting for her hair since her buns wouldn't fit in a chefs hat which she put on. They then put a microphone on her top and the rest of it was attached to the back of her jeans. Once everything was done and they made sure she was comfortable she was led to another room and told to wait.

It looked like a living room with a set of sofas, a glass table and even a Tv showing whatever was airing on Tv for the moment. She was too nervous to pay attention to whatever was going on. She continued taking the breathing exercises she'd seen people do on TV as and it was actually helping. A few minutes later the door opened and she turned to look at it and in walked Chef Ali in all his glory. He looked even more handsome in person. Alanna had to admit that she'd had a little crush on him when she'd watched his show the first few time but that crush had faded with time. And besides the man was happily married with two kids and another on the way.

She stood up from the couch and watched him approach with a warm look on his face. He was wearing a chef hat with his name on it and an identical apron to Alanna.

"You must be Alanna, my co-host for the day." He said stretching his hand for a shake.

"Yes sir. It's a pleasure to meet you." She revoked shaking his hand.

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