Chapter Twenty Five

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Alanna had missed the whole first month of school and she was finally going back. Her hand was still in a cast covering the whole area from below her elbow to her palm leaving her fingers exposed. It was a little hard getting ready for school that morning because even if she was feeling better she was still in pain but it was manageable. Her parents weren't too enthusiastic about her going back to school but they knew she needed to. It was just one month till the KCSE and she had a lot of catching up to do.

After the day she woke up, Liz has stayed a few more days before having to go back to school. Ryan and everyone else used to come by everyday after school but Ryan always stayed the longest, till he was kicked out for staying past visiting hours. She had been discharged two weeks after she woke up and had been home for a week taking rest and getting used to moving around again. Her face was now free of marks because the scars were quickly fading and the rest were hidden by her clothes. The doctors said the stab wound would be the hardest to fade but it would eventually.

She put on her shoes and tucked in the laces, unable to tie them. She grabbed her backpack and walked to the kitchen to pick up the shopping bag containing her lunch. She's had her mom help in preparing the food that morning. She strapped on her backpack and grabbed the bag before walking out of the kitchen already planning on walking to school.

Before she reached the door she heard a bell ring outside startling her. What was that? She grabbed her keys and walked to the front door opening it and walking out. Ryan was waiting outside on a bicycle grinning from ear to ear.

"What are you doing here?" Alanna asked as she closed the door.

"I'm here to give my queen a ride to school." He replied.

"Ryan that bicycle seat doesn't look like it can hold me." Alanna replied with a chuckle eyeing the seat warily.

"It can trust me." Ryan reassured her.

"Ryan if you drop me." Alanna warned.

"I would never do that." Ryan replied.

Alanna decided to trust him so she hopped on the bicycle sideways and wrapped her free hand around his waist.

"You good to go?" He asked.

"Yeah." She replied skeptically already rethinking the whole idea.

"Okay hold on." He shouted before releasing the breaks and started peddling.

Alanna held on for dear life,her eyes shut. She was scared for the first few minutes but when she realized that Ryan was actually a good cyclist she opened her eyes and enjoyed the ride.

It was a sunny morning but there was a cool breeze making the perfect balanced weather. Alanna was scared about going back to school but she knew she had her friends to help her out. Everyone would be talking about her and victimizing her. She didn't want people to feel sorry for her. She had gone through a huge ordeal and gotten out of it just fine. That was something to celebrate not feel sorry about. Alanna decided to do what she always did, hold her head high and focus on what really mattered.

Ten minutes later they arrived at the school and rode in. Alanna got off to allow Ryan to secure the bicycle. After he was done they walked towards their class together. Ryan had his hand wrapped around her shoulders protectively.

Alanna had been right, everyone was staring at her. They all had different expressions though, some were pity, others awe, some with worry and others with pride. Alanna just brushed them all off not ready to deal with them. Two more months and she'd be out of there.

"I'm right here." Ryan assured her kissing her temple.

"I know. Thank you." Alanna replied with a smile.

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