Chapter Eighteen

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It had been more than a week since their first date and the buzz about them being on live TV had died down. Life hadn't changed much for Alanna but it definitely had for Ryan. He kept getting approached by people wanting to talk to him and people expected Alanna to be jealous since Ryan was getting all the attention yet she was the one who had mainly been on the show but she was just glad the attention was off her. He didn't allow all the attention he got to affect their relationship though and they had just been getting closer and closer as the days went by.

"If it isn't our celebrity couple." Sophia teased when they sat down to have lunch on a Thursday afternoon.

Alanna rolled her eyes and Ryan just brushed her off. They had been used to that treatment and they didn't let it faze them.

"Leave them alone babe." Tony scolded.

"Okay fine but just because I'm hungry and its rude to eat with your mouth full." She replied before taking a mouthful of her food.

For lunch that day Alanna had made samosas, sausages and kachumbari. She opened the food flask and they dug in.

"So what are you guys doing this weekend? Another secret date?" Sam teased and Alanna groaned wondering when it was all going to be over.

One date and everyone suddenly couldn't stop talking about it.

"Actually yes. Alanna and I are going to a wedding and having a blast." Ryan replied.

"What wedding?" Alanna asked looking at him puzzled.

He hadn't mentioned any wedding to her.

"My mom got invited to a wedding by one of our many inlaws and asked if I wanted to go and I said yes as long as I got to take you. She told me your parents had been invited too." Ryan explained.

"But I'm not a fan of social gatherings." Alanna replied.

"Come on please babe. I've always wanted to go one of those fancy weddings and it'll not be fun without you." Ryan pleaded.

"I'll go with you baby." Liam replied jokingly and Ryan tossed a piece of tomato at him.

"Shut up idiot. So what do you say babe? I promise it will be fun." He enticed her.

"Okay fine we'll go but if I get bored I'm leaving you there." Alanna replied and Ryan kissed her cheek in glee making her smile.

"Since these two are getting hitched this weekend what are the rest of you up to?" Sam asked and it was Alanna's turn to toss a tomato at him. He caught it and put it in his mouth.

Alanna chuckled at his childishness as she listened to everyone talk about their weekend plans. She'd vaguely remembered her mom talking to her dad about a wedding but she didn't know she was going to be talked into attending it. The reason her mom hadn't asked her was because she knew she was going to say no.

She was going to go though, for Ryan because she knew he could make any situation fun for her and she needed a little more of that in her life. She also needed to relax because they were about to have their end of term exams in two weeks. After that they would have a two week break before they came back to school, studied for two months before they did their final examinations which would determine whether they went to college and university or not. Just thinking about it all at once made Alanna very nervous that's why the more she thought about the wedding thing the more appealing it seemed. Anything to get her out of her head for a while would definitely be great.


Alanna stood in front of the mirror looking at the dress her mom had bought for her yesterday to wear to the wedding. When she'd told her mom yesterday morning that she was going to the wedding she had been very happy. She had picked her up after school and they had gone shopping. It had taken almost an hour to find a dress that Alanna liked. She wanted to wear sneakers with the dress but her mother refused and bought her a pair of heels. They were comfortable enough as long as Alanna had support when she walked. Ryan was in for a lot of work but he deserved it since the whole wedding thing was his idea.

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