Chapter Twenty Four

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Guess whose back. Her name starts with A and she likes to mess with us with her amazing cooking that we can look at but not eat.


The first thing Alanna became aware of when she came to was the funny smell all around her. The next thing was how sore her body was. Then came the beeping of machines around her and the pinching pain digging into her arm. Her body felt restricted and she was having a hard time getting her eyes open. Instead of freaking out that her eyes wouldn't cooperate and open she decided to relax and figure out where she was first. She used her hearing and sense of smell and figured out she was at the hospital. Hospitals had that stench of medicine and that weird smelling stuff they used to clean.

Now figuring out how she got there in the first place. She searched her memories and only got bits of her walking before she was lying on the ground. She reached deeper into her brain and everything that happened cane rushing back to her making her cry out and thrash.

"Hey, hey it's okay. Calm down and breath. You're safe now." A voice she recognized said calmly holding her shoulders in place.

She stopped moving and took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Okay good now open your eyes." The person requested.

"I can't." Alanna replied her voice scratchy as if she hadn't used it in years.

"Yes you can, you just think you can't. Just open them." The person reassured her and after a few moments Alanna blinked her eyes open.

It took a while to see clearly because of the bright light but her eyes got used to it and she could now see clearly.

"Hello darling. Welcome back to the land of the living."

"Auntie Beth."Alanna replied recognizing her aunt in a white nurses uniform.

"I see your memory is okay and so is your sight and as far as I can tell your hearing. Let me call the doctor to come and do a full check up." Beth said and Alanna nodded.

"Where is everyone?" Alanna asked.

"Your parents are at work, your sister just went home to change and your friends are all at school." Her aunt answered.

"How long have I been out?" Alanna asked.

"Three years."Her aunt replied with a sad straight face and Alanna's mouth fell in shock.

"What?!" She shouted her heartbeat spiking.

Her aunt's facade fell and she laughed "Don't get a heart attack on me girl I'm joking. It's only been two weeks. Now sit still. Ill be back with the doctor." Beth instructed and left the room.

Alanna sagged back on her bed relieved. She was alive, in a lot of pain yes but alive all the same. Her left hand was in a cast and it hurt to breath but other than that she just felt sore. There was also this dull pain on her lower stomach but she was just glad to be alive.

Remembering what happened to her showed her just how bad she had been beaten up. She thought she would die but she didn't and she was okay and safe.

Her parents, sister, Ryan and all her other friends must have been so worried. Especially Ryan who had been on the phone with her during the whole ordeal. He'd heard her crying out in pain and begging them to stop.

Well at least she was okay now and on the road to recovery.

Beth and a doctor came in a few minutes later and did a full body check up on her. Some of those check ups were very uncomfortable for Alanna and she'd better not say them out loud, no need reliving them.

ALANNA ✔️Where stories live. Discover now