Chapter Twenty One

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"Okay. Dream vacation?" Ryan asked.

Alanna thought about it for a moment not sure about her answer. She had so many places she wanted to go to so picking one was a problem.

It was about six thirty in the evening and they had spent all day together at Ryan's. After the movie they had napped together for an hour before waking up and watching another movie and now they were playing twenty questions. They settled on that declaring that truth or dare was for kids. But honestly they had just watched the horror movie version of that game and were horrified. None of them would admit it though thus the twenty questions. Ryan was already feeling better after taking the remedy and Alanna was happy she had come to see him.

"Somewhere remote with a swimming pool or a lake with those huge hotel room windows where all you can see is desert or forest." Alanna replied.

"I thought you were going to say the beach." Ryan added.

"That's not a bad idea but my body is not exactly beach worthy and plus all that heat and salty water." Alanna explained.

"I hate it when you talk about your body like that. You are beautiful and have an amazing body. I wish I could make you see that." Ryan pouted in a sad tone.

"I'm sorry sometimes all the taunting I've heard thrown at me over the years comes pouring out." Alanna apologized.

"It's okay, don't apologize. I just wish there was a way I could erase all those memories." Ryan said sadly.

"You're actually doing a pretty good job without realizing it." Alanna replied with a smile and leaned in to kiss Ryan.

She was becoming more and more bolder when it came to showing her affections for him and Ryan was enjoying that very much.

"As much as I'd like to continue kissing you I need to head home before it gets dark." Alanna said when they pulled apart.

"Do you have to?" Ryan whined as he wrapped his arms around her not wanting to let go.

Alanna laughed at his antics "Yes I have to unless you want me to be walking all alone in the dark."

"No I don't want that but you can stay the night and we can cuddle." Ryan suggested making Alanna scoff at his idea.

"No can do mr because we both have African moms who even though they allow us to spend a lot of time together and hang out, have boundaries to what we can actually do." Alanna replied.

"I know and you're right." Ryan relented with a sad face.

"Don't be sad I'll be over tomorrow as soon as the church service is over." Alanna promised.

"Okay it's a deal." Ryan agreed and they kissed one more before standing up.

Ryan helped Alanna pack up all her stuff and since they had consumed almost everything she had prepared her bag was empty. Ryan had claimed that he'd eat the leftovers for supper so she left him anything that has remained. Once everything was packed she put on her jacket and strapped on her bag.

"Goodnight boyfriend. See you tomorrow." Alanna said.

"Goodnight girlfriend. I'll be waiting." Ryan replied.

A quick kiss later Alanna put on her shoes, grabbed her skateboard and was off. Alanna said goodbye to his mom who was unhanging clothes from the outside and wished her goodnight. It was already dark but thanks to the dim but clearly there street lights Alanna was able to make her way home. She didn't dare skate because the light wasn't enough and she wasn't a fan of accidents.

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