Chapter Twenty

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Alanna kept checking her phone waiting for Ryan's reply but just as it had been the past one hour there was still no reply to the one hundred texts she had sent him. It was the first Saturday to their holiday and they were supposed to go on a hike and end it with a picnic. Alanna had gotten up early as usual without the normal good morning call from a Ryan but she had brushed it aside not wanting to make a big deal out of it. Come to think of it she should have been more worried when Ryan failed to call or text her good morning like he had been doing ever since they became a couple. She had showered and packed all the snacks they would need neatly into a backpack. Picnic baskets were for the movies and those things were hella expensive for just pieces of reed sown together. She then decided to watch some TV as she waited for him.

He was two hours late and Alanna was starting to get worried. Ryan was always on time for their dates and sometimes he was even early. He never failed to show up so there was definitely something going on. Alanna decided to call his phone for the last time before she went over to his house to see what was going on. Lady luck must have been on a break because her call got answered.

"Ryan where are you?" Alanna asked as soon as she saw the call has gone through.

"I'm sorry but Ryan can't come to the phone." A female voice answered.

Alanna was very unfamiliar with that voice because it was definitely not his  mother and as far as she was concerned he didn't have any sisters because he was the last born with two elder brothers.

"Who is this and where is Ryan?" Alanna asked quickly before her brain got the chance to start drawing conclusions.

"I'm Carol his sister in law and Ryan has a cold." She replied and Alanna was glad she hadn't made any conclusions on her own.

Ryans eldest brother was married and since he was in the army his wife stayed with his parents a lot along with their seven year old son.

"Oh okay can you please tell him to call me back or at least text me." Alanna replied getting worried.

She had seen Ryan last night and he seemed to okay and now he was sick. Guess getting the cold was pretty easy.

"Sorry but he said he doesn't want to talk to anyone." Carol explained.

"It's okay. Tell him I called and I wish he gets better soon." Alanna replied.

"He's not letting anyone into his room. Sorry dear."Carol sympathized.

"It's okay." Alanna said and hang up.

She tossed her phone beside her and wondered why Ryan hadn't just told her that he was sick. It would have saved her a lot of worrying and driving herself crazy. She didn't know what to do with herself right now that she had all that food made and an outfit that she herself knew she looked cute in.

She sat there for half an hour wondering what to do with herself before she finally made up her mind and got up. They were still going to go on that picnic and her outfit was not going to go to waste. She went into the kitchen and prepared a remedy her mom made for them whenever they had a cold and put it in a small flask. She went back to the living room and put it in her bag together with her laptop and modem.

She strapped the bag on her back, grabbed her phone, keys and skateboard and walked out of the house making sure to lock it behind her. If Ryan wasn't going to come to her then she was going to go to him. She set the skateboard down and was soon rolling down the tarmac towards his house. She had actually never been there ever since they started dating. Not because Ryan hadn't invited her but because they found it more convenient to go to her place because at her house it was just the two of them but at his place there was his mother who was a stay at home wife, his brother and his sister in-law and little nephew. That was a lot of people to deal with.

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