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Six years later.....

Alanna had thought about quitting her job every day for the last two years but she loved the art of her job. She just hated her boss, he was a prick who thought that women were sex objects and nothing less. She had lost count course of the amount of times she'd seen him lick his lips at the sight of her or when she had to swat his hand off her bottom. And she couldn't report him because there was nobody to report to.

Three years of culinary, one year of internship and two years working and she was still not where she thought she would be. The pay she got was good and the restaurant was high end but she was still making food from recipes made by other people and she still had to follow orders from the head chef.

She wanted to do more than that, she had so many recipes written down that she wanted to try out but her stubborn boss wouldn't let her add any of them to the menu. She was on the verge of breaking down, one more altercation and she would quit her job and never look back. It didn't matter if she stayed jobless, she had enough savings to keep her afloat for a while until she got another job.

The one thing working for her right now was the fact that she knew even after a hard day she would get to go home to the love of her life. Six and half years and she and Ryan were still going strong. It was all thanks to him because God knows if he wasn't as patient and as loving as he was they would have broken up a long time ago. Alanna knew she was hard to deal with so Ryan being able to handle her showed just how lucky she was to have him. He was there whenever she wanted to give up and and helped her back up. He was there to celebrate her wins and hold her when the days got too tough. He didn't approve of her working under her sexist boss but he knew being a chef made her happy so he let it slide.

He was currently working for a certain CEO and learning the ropes of the business world. They still lived separately in the city where both their jobs were but Alanna was hoping to change that tonight. He was picking her up and taking her to dinner. She was going to give him a key to her place and ask him to move in with her. Her place wasn't that big but it was perfect for the both of them. It was definitely much better than the dump he lived in and called an apartment.

Should just had to get through the remaining thirty minutes of her shift and she wouldn't have to be back there until Monday.

"Alanna take this to table seven." Her boss ordered interrupting the food setting she was making.

"I'm not a waiter." Alanna stated obviously.

"I know but your closest. I'll even let you take credit for it. It seems like you need the win." The stupid idiot mocked and Alanna found herself getting thoughts of stabbing him over and over again with one of those butcher knives. God forgive her evil thoughts but even He understood her situation.

Alanna wanted to argue more but it would just take more time so she just decided to agree. She took the plate and walked out through the connecting door to the restaurant. The first time Alanna walked in here she had been amazed by everything inside. It was a four star restaurant with beautiful crystal chandeliers and beautiful tables set all around. It's had floor to ceiling windows on one side allowing the view of the lake that was situated just a few meters away. When she had gotten the job she has been over the moon but after two months of working here she was just about ready to jump into that lake.

She walked to table seven and there was only a single gentleman seated there.

"Here's your food sir. "Alanna said politely putting it on the table.

He looked vaguely familiar and once he looked up Alanna's eyes lit up in recognition.

"Let me guess. You're a big fan of my show." Ali said with a smile.

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