Chapter Nine

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Alanna woke up at four o'clock Saturday morning to get ready for the day. She had been too excited to sleep and when she finally did it was only for a few hours before she woke up. Her parents didn't even wake up to check up on her to see what she was doing. Once they heard the pots clanging against each other they knew it was her. She was famous for waking up at odd hours in the night to cook. After the first few times of them getting up to check up on her they got used to it and left her be.

The gang had dropped everything at Alanna's place seeing as she was in charge of the food. She had decided to start working on what she could as early as possible like making the juice and packing the fruits into little containers for the kids to enjoy. They were going all out. They had been blessed with being raised with everything they needed so it was now time to give back to the less privileged. They couldn't be as extravagant seeing as they were only kids but they would do the best with whatever little they had.

They had arranged and talked about everything on the way back yesterday. There would be food, games, music, face painting and they'd even managed to snag a local magician to entertain the kids. It was going to be a lot of work but a few students from the school, the good hearted ones at least, had offered to help. It was going to be an epic day.

Her parents got up and left for work leaving Alanna still working on her presentations. It's as if she was preparing food for the president. But Alanna didn't care, she always gave her best no matter who she was serving.

There was a soft knock on the kitchen window but it still startled Alanna. She opened the back door and found Ryan and Sam waving stupidly at her with their hands raised.

"He said you like knives and we had to be careful." Sam said pointing at Ryan.

"What are you guys doing at the backdoor?" Alanna asked them allowing them in. It was already light out. What time was it?

"You didn't answer the front door so came around back knowing you were in the zone again." Ryan explained.

Alanna just nodded her head in agreement.

"Alanna what did you do?" Sam asked looking at all the mess she had made getting ready.

Under all the mess she'd pressed all the fruits, made fruit salads and packed them and chopped up most of the ingredients they'd need and packed them up. She'd even cooked a few meals and stored them properly.

"How long have you been up?" Ryan asked as he picked up a strawberry and tossed it in his mouth.

"Depends on what time it is. " Alanna replied as she started clearing up her mess.

"Eight o'clock." Sam answered her.

"Then four hours." She replied and both boys gasped in shock.

"I just woke up an hour ago. Girl if you don't become a top chef just start your own catering business. You'll be perfect at it." Sam suggested.

"Thanks Sam. Anyway you guys clean up and load everything into the car while I go shower and put on something more appropriate." Alanna replied.

"I like what you're wearing." Ryan commented staring at her bare legs.

"Shame on you. Now chop chop or we'll be late." Alanna said tossing a small kitchen towel at Ryans face before she left the kitchen.

"She's bossy." She heard Sam comment making her smile.

"I love it." Ryan replied.

"Gross." Sam said and she heard shuffling.

They were probably pushing each other around. She regretted agreeing to having both of them pick her up today while the others were setting up at the center.

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