Chapter Eight

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Alanna must have dozed off on the couch because next thing she knew there was a loud banging on her door. She was startled awake and quickly sat up on the couch, the soft blanket she was covering herself with falling off her body. The loud banging came again and Alanna turned her still foggy eyes to the door. Who was that? They must have been knocking for a while for their knocks to get that rough. She was a heavy sleeper.

She slowly got off the couch and walked toward the door and getting it open. She came face to face with a slightly angry Ryan and the rest of the gang standing behind him.

"Hey guys sorry for not hearing your knock. I dozed off watching movies." She apologized rubbing the sleep off her eyes.

"You look adorable." Ryan commented shamelessly looking at her with a smile.

The boys gagged while Sophia chuckled. They exchanged hugs before she welcomed them in and they all left their shoes at the front door.

"I love your home. It's so modern." Sophia complimented.

"Thanks my mom spent a lot of cash making it like this though I'm the only one who gets to be here like ninety percent of the time." Alanna said with a hint of sadness in her voice that thankfully nobody picked up.

She didn't want their pity. This was the first time she was having so many people that were only here for her at her home. Two weeks ago she would have been freaking out but now she was calm because she knew them and they were good friends who she trusted.

Toby and Sophia shared a love seat while Sam and Liam took a three seater for themselves leaving Ryan to take the last remaining love seat for himself. She was either to sit with the two boys or with Ryan. She was closest to Ryan in the whole group so it was only logical she sit with him but she also saw that a love seat would be too intimate for them. She needed a way out of that conundrum.

She looked at the clock in the living room and it was a few minutes past two and the best time to go to the market was at around three thirty so they had time to kill.

"Sorry we came early. Ryan was very insistent on seeing you so we just all came together to hang out before we left for the market." Liam explained sending an accusing look in Ryans direction.

"It's okay I don't mind having you all here. Why don't I fix us all something quick to eat?" She asked.

A series of agreements went around the room.

"I was already logged into Netflix so you guys choose any movie you want." Alanna suggested.

"You have Netflix?!"Tony shouted very shocked making Alanna chuckle.

"Yeah I guilt talked my parents into paying for my subscription after my sister left for university. The boredom was getting to me so they agreed." She explained.

"I think we can all agree we've all found our new hang out house." Liam declared grabbing the remote.

"Yes please. Pick out something nice." Sophia requested cuddling into Tony's side.

Those two were just the cutest.

"Nothing girly." Liam said and the guys agreed with him.

Alanna excused herself and went to the kitchen to prepare something for everyone. Since it was short notice and she had to make it fast she decided to make hot dogs for everyone. They were easy to make because all you had to do was grill the hotdogs and prepare the toppings. So Alanna put on her apron and got to work.

After a few minutes of working in silence lost in her own thoughts someone placed their hand on her lower back making her turn around quick pointing the knife she was using to chop up onions at them.

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