Chapter Nineteen

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A month later Alanna found herself pacing back and forth in the field waiting for the results to be put up. They had been working effortlessly with Ryan and the rest of the gang to study and get good grades and today was the day they'd find out if their hard work would pay off. Two weeks of endless studying plus two weeks of non ending exams all led up to this moment.

The only moments Alanna had felt at ease over the last month was when Ryan declared they had studied enough and they cuddled on the couch in her house talking or just listening to music. They grew closer and closer each day and Ryan was definitely her dream boyfriend in more ways than one. He was always there for her when she needed him and he always found a way to make her smile. They had their little fights but with Ryan being the goofy person he was always found a way to quickly diffuse the situation and end the fight.

He was actually checking their results right now on the notice board because Alanna didn't have it in her to check them herself. She knew she hadn't passed that much but she also hoped she hadn't failed terribly as well. She played with the bracelet Ryan had bought her for their one month anniversary. He was dorky like that always wanting to celebrate the little things. It was a beaded bracelet with all white beads but the middle one was black. Ryan had a similar one but all his beads were all black but the middle one was white. Alanna was starting to like all these couply things Ryan was introducing her to.

Ryan came running outside towards her. When he reached her he picked her up in a hug and started twirling her around. He liked doing that a lot to show Alanna that he could actually lift her. She'd been scared the first few times but now she actually liked it. He was in the process of convincing her to allow him to give her a piggy back ride and she hadn't quite given in yet. She would though because Ryan had many ways of convincing her to do things.

"You my darling are a wonder. You got a B." Ryan announced when he finally put her down.

Alanna squealed in happiness and pulled Ryan into another hug. That may not have been high for many but in the last exam she'd scored a D+ with the plus out there because of  home science so a B was definitely the best thing to happen to her results wise.

"Mom and dad will have a field day with this." Alanna announced.

"I'm proud of you baby." Ryan said pecking her lips.

"Thank you. What did you get?" Alanna asked him.

"An A." He replied and Alanna hugged him again.

"That's awesome, good job." Alanna complimented feeling very proud of him.

That was all his hard work paying off and he deserved it.

"Okay lovebirds if you're done with all the mushy stuff you're welcome to join us back to reality." Sam said earning a glare from the beautiful couple.

"Geez any more glaring and I'll disappear in a puff of smoke." Sam commented looking away.

The rest of them joined them outside and they shared their results. They had all passed and another round of hugs was exchanged.

"So what do you guys say we treat ourselves to pizza in celebration of our victory." Liam suggested.

"I like that idea. They have no issue if we leave now because there's no studies going on so we can even go now." Sophia replied .

"All in favor say I and all opposing say they." Sam asked.

"It's doesn't work that way stupid." Tony corrected him ever so unkindly and the rest laughed at him.

"Let's just go I'm hungry." Ryan whined.

"You're always hungry." Alanna replied and Ryan stuck his tongue out at her childishly.

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