Chapter Ten

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Alanna had been working for the past two hours with the help of the two girls and anyone else who wished to help to make everything perfect. They were making around two hundred chapatis and that was a lot but Alanna was fast and she had all the help so it was easy. They had already arranged the fruit bowls for everyone and poured out the juice from the cans into the plastic cups and arranged them on the ladder thing made by the boys. There was lemon juice, orange juice and strawberry juice. Alanna had already made the juice in the morning and stored it in coolers so all they had to do was pour it out into the plastic cups and that was already done.

The other thing Alanna had made that morning was a lot of homemade pizza. It had been quite hectic but she made them especially for her schoolmates as a thank you for doing such a good job. The children center had an oven because they baked their own bread for consumption and sale to make extra cash so she had used it to warm up in the pizzas. It was now about eleven am and all the cooking was done and it was almost time to let the kids out.

Alanna was just laying out the pizza when she had gasps behind her.

"You made pizza." Ryan shouted excitedly and Alanna anticipated his next move so she blocked his path towards the pizzas.

"Yes I made pizza because there was excess flour as per my calculations.And no Ryan you cannot have any, it's not time to eat yet." Alanna explained and Ryan dulled when he heard he wasn't allowed to eat yet.

Alanna smirked victoriously at him and she saw him matching her smirk and wondered what he was planning. Before she could comprehend what was happening Ryan bent over and wrapped his hands around her waist lifting her up. Alanna was too shocked that he could lift her up to do anything but squeal. He then turned around with her in his arms so he was the one standing next to the pizza. He then set her down slowly before turning around grabbing two slices of pizza and running away yelling victoriously.

Everyone around them just chuckled at his antics while Alanna stood shocked that Ryan could actually lift her that effortlessly. Maybe he was driven by the need for food that's why he didn't even break a sweat lifting her. I mean what was that boy made of? Steel? He was always eating so he should be more fat than strong but he was actually quite well built though she hadn't anticipated he'd be strong enough to lift her.

She was still trying to wrap her head around everything when someone tapped her shoulder startling her a little. She was glad for the distraction before her thoughts drove her crazy. She turned around and saw Sophia looking at her with a concerned expression.

"You okay?"He asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine what's up?" She answered reassuring her friend.

"Oh the team we invited is here and I thought you'd like to come greet them with me." Sophia replied after assessing to make sure that her friend wasn't lying, it seemed like she passed the test.

"Of course."Alanna replied.

She took off her apron, gave the girls then final instructions on how to deal with everything before linking arms with Sophia and walking toward the gate. A white Van with all tinted black windows had just parked. It looked like one of those vans used to kidnap people just classier. The middle aged driver with pepper hair and a protruding belly got out followed by the young man seated next to him on the passengers side. The sliding door to the back opened and a couple of people came out one after the other of both genders.

The last person to get out of the car had Alanna screaming in excitement before she let go of Sophia's hand and took off in a sprint. Everyone was confused at first including the young lady to get out of the van last and they all looked towards Alanna's direction. The young lady matched Alannas excited screams before she took off in her direction.

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