Chapter Twelve

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Weren't Monday's just portaled from hell for the suffering of all human kind. Alanna was pretty sure nobody liked Mondays and she was at the top of that list. But it wasn't like she could avoid it so here she was in class waiting for the first class to start. She still felt tired from the activities of the weekend having not slept off all that exhaustion. She needed sleep but that would have to wait until the end of the day.

Ryan hadn't arrived yet which was a plus for her because she didn't think she could handle his enthusiasm that early in the morning. She opened her desk to get her book out for the first class of the day and realized it wasn't in there.She got up and walked to the back of the class to look for it in her locker. Luckily enough it was sitting at the top of the pile so she grabbed it and closed her locker revealing a face that had been waiting behind it.

It was none other than Helen, her sworn enemy since forever. Remember the girl who added laxative to Alanna's food, yes it was Helen. Alanna had gotten her back though with the glue and itchy powder. They definitely stayed out of each others way since then but they always exchanged evil glares whenever they passed each other.

Alanna decided to be the bigger person and apologize so she could get out of this awkward situation.

"Sorry I didn't see you there." Alanna apologized.

"It's okay. I actually wanted to talk to you." Helen replied leaning against the lockers looking like she wanted to start a casual conversation. Alanna knew otherwise though. Helen was bad news.

Alanna became confused as to why she wanted to talk to her. Helen was one of those people you always steered clear off. She was a rich snobby girl who thought the world revolved around her.She had the tall and thin model body everyone seemed to want with long black hair and a beautiful round face.

She was the stereotypical mean girl found in every high school and she definitely played her role well. She bullied everyone she deemed beneath her and even had her own group of friends who followed her around like lost puppies.

"I have nothing to say to you." Alanna replied not in the mood to get into a fight this early with her.

"It'll only take a second and besides it's nothing bad. We're already over our little feud." Helen replied.

Alanna mentally rolled her eyes, theirs was definitely not a small feud. They had almost gotten expelled were it not for their agreement to bury the hatchet. The deal was that both of them would never do any physical or psychological harm to each other as long as they both studied in the same school. They had both agreed seeing as they both loved studying there but theirs had not been a small feud. Alanna agreed though just to get this over and done with.

She knew there was no way to escape talking to Helen. As much as she didn't want to talk to her, the faster she agreed to listen the faster the awkward situation would end.

"Okay fine what do you want?" Alanna asked with a tired and bored sigh, she really wasn't looking forward to this.

"Well I recently noticed that you and Ryan have become super close."Helen started.

Alanna wouldn't deny it because it was pretty obvious. Everyone with eyes had definitely noticed the two getting closer over the past few weeks with him becoming her new desk mate and her joining his circle of friends.

"Yeah so what?" Alanna asked still confused.

"Okay this is going to sound very weird." Helen said twirling a piece of her hair in her finger.

"This whole conversation is weird so just get over with it." Alanna demanded knowing the more time she spent talking to her the more she'd get mad and risk hurting Helen.

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