Chapter Twenty Six

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A week before Christmas and instead of getting excited about all the meals she would get to make, all Alanna could think about were the exam results being released in an hour. It would have been shorter but the Cabinet Secretary for education wouldn't stop talking.

The exam period had been the most tense for Alanna but she had pulled through with the help of her friends and her ever amazing boyfriend. He was always there to hug her after the hard papers and celebrate with her after the easier ones. A whole month doing exams and another one waiting for the results was no easy feat.

Alanna was in her living room waiting for Ryan to arrive. They had agreed to check their results together and she couldn't stop being anxious. There was no way to know how she had performed. The papers had been so many they sort of blended together after a while. She just hoped she had reached the minimum grade to join campus. A C+ was all she needed and she'd be set to join Bomas International Hospitality College. Ryan was hoping to get an A so he could study BBA. He always joked that if she started her own restaurant he could manage it for her. Well that would have to wait until she joined and graduated college. Which she didn't know if she would even be joining yet because the CS was still talking about how there wasn't any cheating that year and announce the results already.

"I'm here. Don't call the cops." Ryan shouted as he came bursting into the room leaving his shoes by the door.

Alanna didn't even look up from the TV when he came in. She was too busy worrying and fiddling with the drawstrings of her hoodie. Her cast had come off a few weeks ago and her skin was just starting to get back to its normal color.

Ryan stood in front of her blocking her view. She gave him the stink eye before adjusting so the TV came in view again. Ryan moved with her and  she threw the remote at him. He caught it effortlessly and turned the TV off.

"You jerk. Turn that back on." Alanna demanded.

"No." Ryan replied smirking at her and holding the remote behind him.

"Give it." Alanna demanded through gritted teeth standing up.

"Nope." He replied popping the p.

Alanna hopped up on the table standing between them.

"Ryan turn the TV back on." Alanna demanded.

Ryan shook his head and that was it for Alanna. She made a grab for him and they feel backwards. The sofa cushioned their fall before they toppled to the floor fighting for the custody of the remote. It was a fierce fight but Ryan was going easy on Alanna for fear of hurting her. She may be bigger than him but he was stronger than her and he didn't want to hurt her.

Finally Ryan was straddling Alanna with her hands pinned above her.

"I like this position. It's spicy." Ryan teased.

"Get off me you oaf." Alanna demanded.

"Say please." Ryan responded.

"No." Alanna replied.

"Okay then you've sealed your fate." Ryan declared and before Alanna could ask him what he meant he attacked her face with kisses.

He kissed every part of her face that he could reach while Alanna wiggled and laughed her lungs out.

"Ple... as.. e..... sto.... oooop." Alanna begged. "Ry...aaaan imma.. pee."

"Say you love me first." Ryan bargained.

"I. Love. You." Alanna said laughing between each word and he stopped and got off her helping her stand up.

She took a few seconds to compose herself.

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