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Set in season 3. Speech is in italics.
Noah's POV

Today is the day that Miss Kate will choose the alternates for Internationals. I have a feeling that it might be me since i am one of the youngest and the newest. All of A-Troupe are in studio A waiting for Miss Kate to come out of the office and start rehearsals. As she come out we all stand in a huddle near Miss Kate.

Kate: Today i will be choosing who will be the two alternates for internationals. It will most likely be a girl and a boy. Anyway you will have an hour to choreograph a solo and then you will all perform and from there i will choose.

We all nod are heads as if to say we understand.

Kate: Also note that if i choose you it is not because you are a weak dancer it is because you are good enough to pick up the choreography quickly and adjust to different partners. Thalia, Cierra, Noah, Giselle, West and Stephanie will be in studio-a. Michelle, Eldon, Amanda and Max are in the music room. Which means Riley and oh no, James are in the rehearsal room.

James turns to Riley and winks, all the guys start laughing and Miss Kate just rolls her eyes.

Kate: James, Riley no funny business, ok.

They both nod their heads but we all know they will mostly be making out. Anyways everyone runs of to start choreographing their solo's. i decide to do mine to Oxygen because it is powerful and perfect for tricks and turns. I begin to choreograph my solo.

Riley's POV

I am in the rehearsal room trying to decide what to do for my solo. I decide to do a pointe solo to when the war is over. I try to rehearse but i am really nervous about it. James comes over and i think he can tell that i am nervous because he gives me a big hug and says...

James: Ri, i know you wont be an alternate because Miss Kate will probably choose us to do the duet because we did an amazing job at Nationals.

I smile and give him a quick peck on the lips, then we both go back to rehearsals. James always knows exactly what to say and that is one of the reasons that i love him.

Time lapse to an hour later (still Rileys POV)

It is now time to do our solo's and i am still a little nervous. We are about half way through when Miss Kate calls my name. All of a sudden i get really nervous. As i head to the dance floor i look over to James and he smiles and mouths don't even worry about it. I softly giggle and get ready to start.

A/N this is the solo Riley does it in studio A

When i have finish i stand up and everyone is amazed by my solo. I make my way over to the side and hug James and whisper thank you. I sit on my lap and watch the rest of the solo's. last is Noah. I think that he will do well, he is a really good dancer but he is new to a-troupe and i can see that he is nervous. His solo was in incredible. When he first joined a-troupe we all overlooked him because he came from j-troupe but he is amazing and probably better than some of us.

Kate: Alright i will be back in a minute to tell you who the alternates will be.

About 10 minutes later

Kate: Alright dancers, the alternates will be... Cierra an... Max. The reason is because you are both very well rounded in styles and can both pick up choreography really quickly.

I look over at the two and they look a bit upset but understand Kate's reasoning.

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