Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Sophie's POV

Sophie thought of Tiergan's house (which was basically a private island) and shot out of the void with another thunderous BOOM! Sophie, Sandor, Bo, and Flori landed in a heap at the entrance of Tiergan's house. Sophie closed her eyes to breathe in the fresh salty scent of the sea. Linh walked out the front door and came over to where Sophie, Sandor, Bo, and Flori were scrambling to get up.

"Sophie, what are you doing here?" Linh asked.

"Tiergan called a meeting. Something about Keefe," Sophie answered.

"I can be your guide," Linh suggested.


Linh turned around and walked through the already open doors.

"Can you guys stay right here? This feels like a pirate meeting sort of thing," Sophie asked her bodyguards.

They surprisingly nodded and immediately took their posts at the front door. Sophie followed Linh as she navigated the house.

"Where did Tiergan want to meet you?" Linh asked.

"His office,"

Linh quickly took Sophie through all sorts of turns. Sophie counted to two hundred and thirty two before they came to a hall with two simple brown doors at the end.

"The brown door on the right is his office," Linh told her, turning to walk away.

Sophie quietly walked to the brown door on the right. The door was opened a little and she could hear Tiergan's voice. Sophie knew she shouldn't listen, but her instincts took over and told her to. She couldn't see much from her crack or Tiergan, only a picture frame he was holding up and half of his desk which was brown and sleek.

"I wish you could have met her," Tiergan's voice said. The sadness in his voice struck Sophie so hard she almost toppled over. "Why couldn't you tell me what you were researching. I could have protected you from the Neverseen?"

There was some ruffling and he pulled out a heart shaped necklace. It was a brilliant shade of teal that showered the room with sparkles when the light refracted off of it.

"I have kept it for so long. Why did you say this was important, why?" Tiergan sobbed.

Sophie decided to knock because if he carried on like this she was sure his mind would break.

When she knocked, Tiergan scrambled to put the necklace away and set the picture frame down. A thousand questions bubbled in her brain like: "What is the picture in the picture frame?" and "What was he talking about?" But her train of thought stopped when Tiergan said, "Come in" Sophie opened the door wider and stepped into Tiergan's office. It was the most basic office she had ever seen but in some way it all matched Tiergan's style. The office had two large bookshelves covering the walls on either side of Tiergan's desk. Tiergan's sleek, brown, desk sat near the door. Behind the desk was the biggest window Sophie had ever seen, and it had the most breathtaking view of the ocean. In front of Tiergan's desk were two wooden, brown chairs and behind that was a huge table with neatly arranged paper with cubbies of files underneath the table. The top of the office had a golden chandelier that sparkled and shined. Tiergan had wiped away his tears and had a smile on his face.

"Why were you talking to that picture?" It took a moment for Sophie to realize she had blurted out the question instead of thinking of it. Sophie's hands went straight to her mouth to clamp it shut.

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