ep 03: feel better

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Seonghwa didn't know how to react once he read through the small piece of paper that'd been attached to the lollipop

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Seonghwa didn't know how to react once he read through the small piece of paper that'd been attached to the lollipop. Was this supposed to be a joke?

He couldn't stop his eyes from drifting over to Hongjoong, a bit of agitation brewing within him when the shorter -- once again -- wasn't looking his way. At this point, it was clear Hongjoong was probably ignoring him.

"Ooh, a lollipop," Mingi remarked next to him. Seonghwa crushed the note with more force than necessary. He didn't know why he felt so...angry, he just was.

Mingi sat beside him, swaying a little on his swivel chair. He reached out for the lollipop only for Seonghwa to grab it. "Okay -- it's yours. Got it."

Seonghwa sighed, his body aching with fatigue. "Sorry... You can have it."

"I was kidding." Mingi grinned, playfully jabbing Seonghwa at the side. "It was on your table, so."

Seonghwa shoved the lollipop to one corner of his table, not wanting to seem all eager for it although he suddenly craved for it, for whatever reason.

He shook the feeling off, however. There was no way he'd allow Hongjoong and his stupid lollipop get in the way of him maintaining his A average in Biology.

If only it wasn't easier said than done.


Seonghwa stared out the window of his AP calculus classroom, watching droplets of rain haphazardly race down the surface, connecting and separating like opposite sided magnets. Since Mingi wasn't around, the seat next to him had been occupied by a short haired girl that was fortunately as quiet as him, which meant he didn't get disturbed.

All of his notes had been copied down and the equations solved, which left room for those invasive thoughts about a certain boy with a mullet.

Seonghwa felt inside his pocket and pulled out that lollipop and note, wondering what the heck Hongjoong had meant when he said it'd 'make him feel better'.

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