ep 07: new questions

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During lunch, Mingi'd been playing a game on Seonghwa's phone that he'd downloaded himself since according to him 'video games maketh man', when the shorter spotted Hongjoong walking into the upper block that held the school library, his backpack in hand.

Instantly, Seonghwa's hands fisted, the boy beginning to play less and less attention to the artificial shooting effects and zombie gurgles coming from his phone. It transformed into background noise along with San's hurried commentary on Mingi's playing skills.

The three were seated under a large oak tree with roots thick and sturdy enough to support their combined weight. They weren't the only students around either, several teens choosing to camp inside the miniature park beside their school due to the afternoon heat.

"It's so damn hot today," San complained. His eyes were fully focused on the game though, his hands forming happy fists whenever Mingi scored a win. "It's fucking Autumn, not the middle of Summer."

Seonghwa couldn't help but agree. Lately it'd been so hot in the afternoons, only for the weather to do a complete one-eighty as soon as evening and night arrived. Nature was weird. Whatever.

However, he stood up, his movements gaining Mingi's attention instantaneously.

A booming FAIL seeped out of Seonghwa's phone speakers then, but only San seemed to be really affected by it.

"Where're you going?" Mingi asked.

Seonghwa stared at the block Hongjoong had entered as he searched his brain for a believable lie. "To the bathroom."

Fortunately, to get to the boys bathroom you needed to pass the library first.

"I'll follow you."

"That's fucking weird," San commented, his thumbs dancing crazily over Seonghwa's phone screen. Normally with anyone else, the dark haired male would've had a problem with them touching his phone. But he trusted San to be careful -- which he usually was.

"How the hell is it weird?" Mingi questioned, his tone bordering on offended. Before both teens could argue on it though, Seonghwa decided to step in.

"I'll go alone. Don't worry, I won't take long."

"It's alright, Hwa," Mingi said, "take as long as you'd like."

San advanced into another level. "Again -- Weird."

"I will smack you." No, he wouldn't. Seonghwa was sure Mingi wouldn't even hurt a fly.

"I'll get going," Seonghwa spoke.

San flashed him a distracted but genuine smile. "A'ight bye."

Seonghwa didn't waste time in entering the school and rushing up the many stairs. With him barely losing his breath or breaking a sweat, he sauntered into the library in hopes that Hongjoong would still be there.

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