ep 04: patch you up

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Once Seonghwa opened his eyes, he immediately felt like throwing up even though he'd barely ate anything today.

There was a lady at her desk several feet to his right. He didn't know her name since he'd never been to the sick room before.

The nurse grinned, all dimples and comforting crinkled eyes. She stood up and walked towards him, a clipboard in hand.

"You hit your head pretty bad back there, Park Seonghwa," she began, making Seonghwa peer up at her again. Her nameplate read Nurse Min.

Seonghwa shut his eyes again, hating how drowsy he felt. It was similar to last night in the sense that his body felt all heavy like he was losing control of everything.

"Good thing your classmate Hongjoong stepped in on time to break your fall."

Seonghwa's eyes snapped open. Similar to finally pushing through the surface of the violent seas and taking a huge gulp of the freezing air after a long while, clarity crystallized the fogginess of his mind. "Hongjoong didn't save me."

"He did," Nurse Min countered, that soft smile never leaving her face. "He stopped you from having a serious concussion."

He pushed me, Seonghwa wanted to argue. He pushed me for whatever reason and injured me. But instead of speaking up, he forced himself to his feet with a groan.

"I tried calling your dad so he could pick you up an hour ago. I should try again -- "

"It's fine, miss," Seonghwa gruffly replied. He hoped he didn't sound rude, but then again, he didn't really care. "I'll walk."

"But it's highly advised in case something goes wrong -- "

Seonghwa shook his head, gritting his teeth when felt that familiar stitch of pain behind his head. "I'm fine."

He opened the door and stepped out, not paying much mind to the stares he received from the other students as he marched down the hallway. His school bag was inside his locker, and as soon as he got it he'd finally be able to leave this hell-hole.

Looking around, he could see that the classrooms were empty for the most part, which meant that school was probably finished. Seonghwa wouldn't know. The bipolar weather kept screwing his timeframe up. Nevertheless, he'd rather walk home under this condition than have his daft father somehow drive to his school without knocking anything over to pick him up.

Opening his locker, Seonghwa came to a standstill. Rested on his strategically placed books was that same brand of red lollipops that Hongjoong had gifted to him earlier. His blood boiled.

He grabbed the lollipop as well as his bag, shutting his locker tight with restrained rage. He didn't even know why he was mad, but the pain he felt was making everything worse.

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