finale: happily ever after

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last chapter!! (really suggest you listen to the song above cuz its so cute)

also, mentions of underaged drinking and implied/non-descriptive sexual content

also, mentions of underaged drinking and implied/non-descriptive sexual content

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- joongie🐣✨

- seonggie💕

- joongie🐣✨
i am hurt omg :((
my boyfriend's a huge meanie

- seonggie💕
get over it :p
anyways,, why are u texting me??

- joongie🐣✨

- seonggie💕

- joongie🐣✨
ur so mean. but i love you
i think

- seonggie💕
you think??!

- joongie🐣✨
i'm just messing w u cutie

- seonggie💕
how do i know you're not lying

- joongie🐣✨
i'll do whatever u want to let u know i'm telling the truth

Seonghwa chuckled. He could feel Hongjoong's eagerness to please him even through the screen. He smirked as he thought of a way to use it to his advantage.

- seonggie💕
i dunno
maybe i can get a pic of you rn?

- joongie🐣✨
contrary to popular belief i don't take pictures of myself.
guess that'll change today

- seonggie💕
do a cute pose
a kawaii pose

- joongie🐣✨
did you just say 'kawaii'

- seonggie💕
i did
what are you gonna do about it?

- joongie🐣✨
nothing cuz youre cute
youre the kawaii one here

Seonghwa broadly grinned as he paced around his room, setting everything up in order. His heart was now doing that thing it always did whenever the shorter was concerned. And at this point, he'd learned to live with it. His feelings for Hongjoong weren't going anywhere anytime soon.

- seonggie💕
just hurry up

- joongie🐣✨
of course, baby

- joongie🐣✨

- joongie🐣✨

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