ep 19: help

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Mingi didn't come to school on Monday. To be honest, Seonghwa should've expected it as he hadn't seen the taller in the bus on his way to school, but a huge part of him had still hoped that things would return to normal.

But there was no way it could if Seonghwa didn't try to fix things between them, and that was what he was planning to do. He knew he wasn't the best at showy gifts and grandiose displays of affection, but he was going to try his best to make things right between him and Mingi.

Okay...going out to eat is out of the equation since San disapproved of it, Seonghwa thought in front of his locker that morning. His eyebrows were narrowed as he scribbled and crossed out any options that came to his head on the little notepad he had in hand; that literally went to show just how bad he was at this.

But we will eat...Mingi likes eating, he continued to think, jotting down more illegible sentences while simultaneously trying not to let the frustration he felt swallow him whole.

With a huff, he crossed out the last suggestion with so much force the pen snapped in half, which only made Seonghwa a lot more frustrated.

A pair of black rhinestone boots stepped before the fallen pen just as Seonghwa had bent down to take it, and as soon as he looked up, his heart did a thing.

Hongjoong gave him a playful sort of smile, before crouching down as well so they could face each other.

"Poor pen..." Hongjoong said as he picked said pen up, his and Seonghwa's knuckles brushing. "Did Seonggie do this to you? I know, he's been so aggressive today."

Seonghwa glared daggers at Hongjoong, before rising to his feet. His knuckles still simmered hotly from the brief contact they'd had with the shorter's fingers, and he didn't like it. "Go away."

Hongjoong leant sideways against a nearby locker, his white beanie reminding Seonghwa of what he'd worn yesterday morning, and as a result the taller boy made a point not to watch him.

"This is ironic," Hongjoong started, "since I specifically remember you telling me to stay with you on Saturday night."

Seonghwa's face burned. He'd spent all night yesterday berating himself for those words he'd uttered once he'd remembered everything clearly. "Shut up."

Hongjoong slid into his personal space without warning, taking Seonghwa's notepad while the taller's heartbeat began massively accelerating.

"Hongjoong -- " Seonghwa reached out to take back his notepad, but the shorter was fast and infuriatingly light on his feet. "Give it back."

Hongjoong dodged all his attempts, their little 'fight' gaining the attention of some of the other students by their own lockers. Most of them looked curious, while a few of them were openly gaping since they never knew Park Seonghwa could 'play around' this way around someone other than Mingi -- and with Hongjoong of all people.

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