ep 15: tour de l'amour

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When Seonghwa had agreed to tagging along to Hongjoong's and Yunho's 'Mon-hunt', he had not meant leaping over large buildings and almost falling to his death.

"Come on," Hongjoong edged Seonghwa as soon as he'd jumped off the ledge of a slanted, monumental building that was so high up the townspeople looked like little colourful dots splayed around. His and Yunho's shopping bags had disappeared into thin air once they'd commenced their jumping, and at this point Seonghwa'd learnt not to question it anymore. "You scared?"

Seonghwa looked below him, breath slightly hitching in his throat. On a physical level, the buildings lined in front of him were beautiful, sleek with (real?) gold and rubies shimmering off their exteriors. He'd always been a sucker for historical things like ancient buildings, dated museums and the like.

But he'd never envisioned ever climbing over some of them in his lifetime.

"No..." He inhaled, forcing himself to look up. "I'm not scared."

"Don't look down. It'll make you nervous," Yunho gently advised. He was still beside Seonghwa, watching the shorter with worried eyes. Seonghwa hated it, because he wasn't a kid. He knew what he was doing.

Seonghwa took a step forward over the roof of the huge stony villa he and Yunho stood on, only for his legs to suddenly wobble, his small fear of heights rearing its ugly head at the least convenient moment.

Yunho had already reached out to steady him, big hands securely holding his arms in place. Yet again, Seonghwa detested that. "Seonghwa, please be careful."

"We don't have all day," Hongjoong complained from the other building, which made Seonghwa's frown greatly deepen. When their eyes locked, the shorter raised a challenging eyebrow as if he was doubting bringing Seonghwa with them.

But Seonghwa wanted to prove Hongjoong's conniving self wrong. He didn't like others seeing him as weak or incapable, and he sure as hell didn't like Hongjoong looking at him as if he was.

"I'll help you over," Yunho was suggesting, but Seonghwa had already stepped back, prepping himself up to jump.

Luckily, he wore shoes that allowed for running. And soon enough he powered down the roof and leaped, the freezing air lapping agressively at his entire body. He'd flown even higher than he'd thought he would, adrenaline acting as the drug that made his movements more powerful.

Well, that is, until he collided straight into Hongjoong's form.

"Shit -- " Seonghwa gasped just as he and Hongjoong rolled on the narrow roof of the building, the latter enveloped under his body.

Hongjoong, despite Seonghwa nearly knocking him out, looked a lot less alarmed than the taller. Instead, he stared right at Seonghwa through slanted, sensuous eyes, his lips quirking suggestively. "My my, we always seem to end up in this position..."

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