ep 17: moonlight

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Hongjoong knew he shouldn't have listened to Seonghwa, knew the taller was intoxicated and was probably uttering the first words that entered his mind because he was acting on plain impulse and nothing else. He knew all this, but here he was, placing a languid Seonghwa comfortably on the rooftop of some random, large house before sitting down next to him.

Seonghwa's body was still damp from the now dispersed rainfall, his black locks falling in loose curls around his forehead. His high cheekbones were darkened with baby pink; the exact same colour as his plump lips which were now slightly parted, inhaling low gulps of air.

"...Are you okay?" Hongjoong asked, clearing his throat when his voice came out all wobbly. Seriously, what the hell just happened?

Seonghwa ran his fingers through his hair, only for the strands to fall back on his face again. His round, almost obsidian eyes bored into Hongjoong's, making eye contact between them a lot more difficult. "I'm just tired."

Hongjoong shouldn't have been here with Seonghwa right now. Sure, he had no documented missions this weekend, but that didn't mean he didn't need some rest. He sighed, hating the fact that his plan to cut whatever relationship he and Seonghwa had loose had totally backfired on him. But it wasn't his fault; something about Seonghwa made him not want to leave.

Throughout the years he'd spent being alive and doing what he did, he'd never seen the big deal about upholding relations with people other than his brother. But now all of a sudden, Seonghwa made him want to change that. It messed with Hongjoong's head.

"I should take you home since you're tired," Hongjoong suggested, peering down at Seonghwa's resting form.

The taller had his eyes closed, looking quite snug in his position despite his wet clothes and the flattened, hard surface of the roof. "No. I want to stay here a bit."

"Don't you have a party to go back to?" Hongjoong tried again. If he was being honest, he did want to stay here a while with Seonghwa, but with everything that happened in Flora that Tuesday, his conscience had been plaguing him to let the taller go. He couldn't rope Seonghwa along any longer, especially when Seonghwa wasn't like him.

He'd had his fun, Hongjoong thought, so now they needed to go back to being strangers. So why did the mere thought of it feel so arduous?

As if he'd read Hongjoong's mind, Seonghwa's lips lifted a little. Those dark eyes of his opened again, as bottomless as a starless sky. "I don't like parties."

"Then why'd you go?"

"Maybe..." Seonghwa softly sighed, "maybe because I'd thought you'd follow me there. It's dumb, but look, you're here now aren't you?"

Hongjoong snickered; he couldn't help it. "Idiot."

Seonghwa didn't reply, only digging through his jeans for something. Then, to the shorter's surprise, he pulled out a crumpled, soggy leaf.

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